Jeune's Compétence Unique

His opponent, the large muscular humanoid who had descended together with Brambus, stopped as he noticed that the beast man's neck had been cut by an invisible blade.

Blood flowed out like a stream and into a ball that hovered beside Jamie's head, and opening his mouth lightly, the blood flowed straight into his mouth.

Jamie could drink right from the neck of the beastman if he wanted, but our resident Hybrid would rather not sink his fangs into anyone who wasn't Miranda if he could avoid it.

Naturally, his opponent wasn't an idiot to let him do something that would help him recover his expended energy, so the half-dragon man attacked Jamie, sending out a flurry of punches which Jamie avoided with minimal effort.

Jamie then grabbed onto the man—Juene's—hands and slashed him with his pinkie, drawing a bit of blood which he took to his lips while the half-dragon broke free of Jamie's grip and backed away.

"I see…Half Dragon-Half Giant.