There were supposed to be Five…

"Gek! Let's go quickly."

She grabbed Jamie and quickly dragged him towards the administrative building, while shouting that she was busy to the dragon.

"That guy keeps bugging me."

"Is that so? Maybe I'd deal with him for you as thanks for your help."

Jamie spoke with a smile, returning to his original appearance and shocking the woman out of her charmed state.

"What the-?!"

"Don't shout too much, madam."

He shut her up with his finger, before moving his hand to the side of her head and continuing.

"I'd need you to take a nap now, okay?"


Her eyes glazed over and she fell forward, with Jamie catching her and sitting her down on a couch in the lobby they were in.

"Welp, that's a wrap."

He then walked up to the drink bar, filled a glass of wine and drank some, before dropping the glass on the stool beside the woman.

"This stuff is good. Whoever stocked here up has good taste."