Miranda’s ‘Pet’ Butterfly

From her expression, it was fairly obvious that she had made that mistake in the past and had ended up under Jamie's spell.

"Even if he's sealed, his Vampiric Charms and Compulsion still work even if he can't use his energy."


Jamie remained silent as he analysed the two Transcendents in front of him.

'They're on guard. Even though they have me sealed and restrained, they're still ready to erupt into battle at any second.'

Jamie could confirm that there were 11 Transcendents present in Void City and the ERE zone, and 6 out of that number were watching him.

'Wait a sec...the Mermaid's here. Does that mean I'm in the ERE zone?'

He tried looking around to see if there were any windows near him but the room he was in lacked any of those.

Jamie was deep underground in a Ruindeum prison crafted to deal with Zotovian transcendents, and not in the ERE zone like he guessed.