Defeating the Sovereign Merman

Though the Merman attempted a follow-up attack, he was not given the chance when Jamie forced him into the defensive with dozens of crackling lightning spears that aimed for his chest.

The Merman crossed his arms and generated another multi-layered barrier of dark light to block the attack, but Jamie's next actions rendered his defensive action futile.



The spears of lightning were all encased in Jamie's spatial magic power, and they easily phased through his barrier of dark light, piercing him all over his body and riddling his wings with holes when they exploded.

Before the explosion could even die down, Jamie enveloped the Galaxy Sword with azure flames and swung it down, sending a slash of flames flying towards him.


His barrier was broken through and the slash hit the arms which were crossed behind the barrier, engulfing them in azure flames that seemed to burn both body and soul.
