
"I am what you Esteans call a 'Race King'. Personally, I prefer being referred to by my actual name and title.

Iron Sorcerer, Terion Cluxdius."

The identity of the rust-haired and eyed man was revealed to be the one and only Race King level being from planet Zotov.

The exact same person whose name Jamie had used to scam the Liberation Front Soldiers some time ago.

As for why Jamie had still asked about who he was, that was simply because, at the time when he had seen the man on the moon, his figure only appeared to be a hazy silhouette with glowing eyes.

But considering he hadn't sensed any Race King-level beings on the planet, he quickly assumed that the being he was looking at was the one Miranda had told him about.

"Esteans aren't the only ones who use the 'Race Ruler' titles, you know?"

"But I'm sure you guys are the ones who started it."
