Unspeakable Name

While Jamie and Miranda were having a nice dinner, their enemies from Zotov weren't just sitting and twiddling their thumbs.

Now that Terrion had taken action, the Dragons decided that hiding the current status quo wasn't wise anymore.

Though they would earn Ikerth's ire by not being able to manage the situation themselves, it was far better than trying to handle it and failing—losing Zotov in the process.

As for why they considered Losing to be a possibility, it was mainly because of Jamie and Miranda.

There was also the fact that none of them, not even Tasir had the confidence to defeat Terrion.

New or not, Terrion was still a Race King while Tasir was only half a foot into that realm at best.

He would be able to hold his own or even win if he had others assisting him, but in that case, who'd deal with Jamie and Miranda?