Emlihn and Eliroth II

"Don't worry about them. Just keep Jamie company for a bit."

Miranda got up to her feet before transforming her face into the one Emlihn used amongst the Elves.

Seeing this, Emlihn quickly placed her hand on her forehead and extracted some of her memories, crystalizing them in a memory gem which she passed to Miranda.


Miranda tossed the crystal and absorbed it into her hands, raising a light brow when she heard the topic of their discussion before leaving the room.

As she left, Jamie gestured for Emlihn to take a seat, while noticing that the three spies who had been watching the building suddenly disappeared from his perception.

'They're dead. Mira's got 'em.'

"Anyway, Emlihn. Mind telling me how the past few millennia have been? I'm curious about how you managed to break through."

Emlihn nodded with a smile on her face as she sat down and began conversing with Jamie.

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