Ikerth and Jamie stood face to face with one another, a distance of merely 10 metres separating them.

It was something that they could both cross within a split second and if they did so, the final battle for dominance over Zotov would erupt right here and now.

In fact, this was what everyone present had thought.

This conjecture was only reinforced in the next moment when the skies parted open once more.

The sight of the planet's moon could be seen high up in the daytime sky and what followed was the descent of Zotov's Race King, Terion Cluxdius.

Dressed in his metallic-hued robes, the man's rust-coloured eyes glowed with light as he gathered law energy around his fists in preparation for battle.

Dornik sent out orders to have all their forces rush towards Ladoa and Tasir did the same.

The dragons all discarded their humanoid forms and returned to their true forms, flames swirling in their maws as they geared up for a fight.