The only way is forward.

The tidal wave lifted Ikerth off his feet, tossing him like a ragdoll in the maelstrom. Despite his resistance, the Dragon King was carried away by the torrent, disappearing within the roaring waters that continued their destructive path across the battlefield.

The immense power of the water magic left a trail of devastation in its wake, carving out new rivers and lakes as it flowed, reshaping the very geography of the land.

Watching this, Jamie sighed and spoke.

"Well, I expected this. No matter how much I make fun of him, Ikerth's not really an idiot, after all."


Miranda replied to him as her gaze locked onto the figure of the dragon king who despite breathing heavily, appeared relatively unharmed by the attack that had just created a new inland ocean in the middle of the continent.

He felt Jamie's appraising gaze on him and looked up at the Hybrid before speaking.