Dragon vs Werewolf

'Curse Breath!'

A torrent of murky dark red power spewed from his mouth with the force of a water jet.

The Curse Breath engulfed the area, its sinister energy spreading out like a dark wave. Those caught in its path felt their magic power wane, and their movements grew sluggish as the curses took hold.

Dornik, Terrion and the other Transcendents tried to block it, but the curse energy melted through their barriers with ease and dripped onto the soldiers below.

"Incendiary Deluge."

Miranda unleashed her purple flames in a wave, burning through the curse energy with their overwhelming power.

However, the few seconds she needed to do this, gave Ikerth the time to charge up an actual Lava Breath and unleash it in her direction.

Nevertheless, the breath never reached its mark as Jamie appeared right in front of her and snapped his fingers.
