
|Aspect of the Wolf: Alpha King's Roar. |

A deafening sonic blast echoed outwards, the sheer force distorting the surrounding space and creating ripples that spread outwards like a stormy sea.

The roar met Ikerth's incoming Lava Breath head-on and clashed violently with it.

The Lava Breath, powerful as it was, was overwhelmed and disintegrated by the Alpha King's Roar, the fiery stream splintering and scattering, reduced to harmless embers that faded into the air before they could reach Jamie.

The aftershocks of the clash sent shockwaves across the battlefield, momentarily stunning Ikerth's body.

That short moment was enough for Miranda to close the distance and clamp her jaws down on Ikerth's tail, her fangs digging into his skin as she dragged him across the ground for a few hundred metres.