Unspoken Truths and Desires

In the Universe, certain things must exist.

A Beast of the END whose job was to one day bring the end to a certain powerful Planetoid, Realm or Galaxy was one.

Even if you found this beast in its infancy and killed it, another one would be born somewhere else that you would not be able to locate.

This powerful metal that conducted Destruction Law Energy, was unfortunately one of such things.

You could not eradicate Ruindeum from the Zanerth Universe—it was simply impossible.

And one planet must exist with the highest reserves of the precious metal somewhere in the Universe.

That planet was Zotov. 

It was because of this peculiarity that Zotov's ego was so strong despite the fact that its sentience had just formed.

After all, Zotov had an ego more developed than High-Level worlds—that wasn't normal.