Attack in the City

When Jamie was tying the rope belt of Miranda's dress, he voiced a compliment and an aged couple hearing him as they passed by turned to glance in the direction of the two.

The old man laughed lightly when he heard Jamie, remembering his younger years as he spoke to his wife.

"Aha, this youngster is smooth. Reminds me of the old days."

"What a nice-looking couple…"

The words that the old married couple muttered to themselves naturally reached Miranda's ears and she glanced in their direction, an expression of puzzlement on her face.

'Why does everyone keep mistaking us for a couple?'

She then turned towards Jamie, remembering Tiris' question earlier, and then her friend's question later and now this old couple.

"Mira, I think heels go well with this one."


Jamie's words snapped her out of her thoughts and seeing the shoes he held up, her expression contorted and she spoke.

"I don't like those heels…