The Price of Denial (Miranda's POV)

Sure, I lost the nigh-immunities that came with being a Hybrid but I didn't care. I wouldn't have gained them if my life went normal anyway.

Besides, acquiring items that Werewolves were weak to wasn't as easy as it was to acquire Vampire weaknesses.

I had my dad to thank for that.

So, I was fine just being a Werewolf.

When Jamie and I came to Gnocyl Prime, I made sure to use my Werewolf Bloodline abilities, doing so in public to make sure everyone knew that 'Miranda Scott' was a 'Werewolf'.

It was a desperate attempt to delude myself into believing that those Hybrid abilities didn't lurk deep within me.

Jay knew this as well. How could he not when we spent virtually all our time together?

But he said nothing even though he knew. Was it out of concern? Or was he scared of forcing me out of my self-denial?

There were gaps in my memory of my time in Angela's Dimensional Realm in Thornes.