Spatial War

Barely a second later, there was a crunching sound and Jamie's head snapped back into position. What's more, it turned out that there was a barrier of coagulated blood right in front of his forehead, so he hadn't taken a direct hit.

Still, for it to snap his neck even without taking a direct hit, Laird's attack was definitely powerful.

"Nice try."

Jamie spoke with a grin, before holding up two fingers and waving it down.

[Basic Attack Sequence #1: Slash.]

A swift arc of spatial energy hurtled towards Laird, who deflected it effortlessly with a wave of his hand, dispersing the energy harmlessly.

[Sequence #2: Cut.]

Two scissored blades of spatial power converged on Larid's torso from both sides, but he raised barriers of compressed space that shattered them before they could reach him.

[Sequence #3: Carve.]