Prismatic Flow

"To think we have to make a pit stop when our goal's just a few miles out."

Jamie muttered as he looked at the Argeryan guards changing the batteries of one of the cars up front.

His subspace didn't have a time-freezing feature, so the magic power batteries in the cars there ended up dissipating a bit, as such, they did not hold enough energy for a complete trip.

Thankfully, they had spares kept in cases designed to prevent magic power from escaping, so they were now installing those spares…for all six cars.

Jamie got out of the one he was in and yawned lightly, spreading out his aura to construct a spatial map of the area.

'I can teleport right into Vroln from here…but that'd cause me to expend energy and I still haven't recovered my magic power from fighting Laird.'

Even though he won, Jamie was drained of energy from fighting Laird as the latter was a Half-Deity with enough energy to turn a moon in the sky to pieces.