The Estean Hegemony

Heilong scowled deeply, his draconic features manifesting in his anger as he clenched the armrest of his throne and spoke in a voice filled with disdain.

"He has always been a disruptor. No matter how much we shape things according to our will, he returns and reminds us that his influence eclipses ours. He handpicked half of us."

His words dripped with resentment.

"Six of the thirteen in this hall—Esteans, no less. The only reason he didn't fill all these thrones with Esteans is because of the one universal law that prevents more than half of the main entities from being from a single world."

Cerulle was no less pleased than Heilong and Hageshīhito were. A strange breeze seemed to blow around him, in response to his growing frustration.

"Every time he awakens, we know one thing for certain: change is coming. And it is never a change we desire.