Return to Estea

Jamie had two options for his return to Estea.

He could either announce his arrival with a flourish, sending every Race Ruler on the planet scrambling to greet him—or he could slip in like an ordinary visitor, unnoticed and without the fanfare.

For once, Jamie chose the latter option.

As Caera opened the Spatial Gate just outside Estea, Jamie's gaze settled on the planet. In the next moment, he shot forward in a streak of light, soaring past Estea's ninety-nine moons and phasing through the planet's cosmic energy barrier like it was nothing.

Defying all laws of conventional physics, he didn't become a fireball on re-entry but touched down seamlessly atop a skyscraper in Estudiam City, on the Neutral Continent.

No sooner had he landed than the ambient cosmic energy of Estea wrapped around him, tugging him toward an unseen destination. He pushed back with his own energy, resisting the pull, and spoke to the presence behind it.