Of Laughter and Legacy

Laura loaded her plate with a ton of roasted chicken, shooting Jamie a smug grin as she did so.

"Today, I shall eat you under the table!"

Jamie only raised a brow at her challenge, picking up a forkful of mashed potatoes as he continued.

"Oh, you think so, huh?"

He pointed the fork in her direction as he continued.

"I'll have you know, Laura, this stomach can handle more than just gravity-defying stunts."

Caitrin laughed, reaching across the table to nudge Kaiser, who had been quietly sipping his tea, a subtle smile on his face.

"Come on, Kaiser, are you just going to let them bicker like this?"

Kaiser's expression barely changed, though his eyes sparkled with amusement as he responded.

"It's entertaining. Besides, you know how Laura gets if she doesn't have someone to argue with."

Hearing his words, Laura shot back with a mock gasp.

"Excuse me! I think you mean someone to win against."