No. 6, The Searcher

Unnamed Dead Galaxy

Dead Galactic Region

Near Dead Zone

December 5th

Year 2018

'Dead Galactic Region'.

As the name implied, the galaxies within these regions were those whose cores had lost power. The Supermassive black holes at the centre did not have the powerful gravity to bind all the stars making it up together.

The galactic barrier had broken and all the stars once bound to this galaxy had been scattered across the void.

It was within this region that a ginormous dragon streaked across.

Crimson eyes, reddish brown scales, a massive wingspan and obsidian claws—this was the full dragon form of Dragon King Ikerth Xagem.

This Dead Galactic Region was not his destination. It was simply a shortcut from the Dead Zone to his destination Galaxy.

Due to the incident with Jamie and Miranda on Zotov, Ikerth's foothold in his home Vela Galaxy was crumbling.