Impromptu Lesson II

The once-heavy tome felt noticeably lighter—a natural consequence of the countless pages Wanette had torn out and not replaced during their battles.

He flipped over to the blank pages, and then, with magic power in his fingers, began drawing a series of runes on some of them.

When he finished, he turned to Wanette and took her hand, placing it over the freshly inscribed pages. Her amethyst eyes widened in surprise as Jamie guided her magic power, threading it into the runes in a carefully choreographed pattern.

The energy pulsed and flared as the spell activated, the runes lighting up with an intense brilliance. 

"A little trick your role model, Olivia, liked to use."

Jamie spoke, letting Wanette know the origin of the runes he'd just drawn and that line was enough to make Wanette's attention which was already at 100%, go over the limit.