Volume 1 - Chapter 26: The Arch High Human

''It will be special, but those eyes... what were they exactly?'' Alshain asked without any ill intent.

''It's my ability. It might be the strongest one I possess,'' Aaron replied. Of course, he had just created this ability recently, and he had done it with the help of someone else, not solely with his own power. He felt incredibly inadequate right now - being unable to defeat a fragment of a constellation on his own was a disappointment.

''I guess it blocks attacks,'' Alshain said with a smile. He, too, cursed his own weakness, not only for being unable to defeat an ordinary human but also for not wanting to die. Did all the people whose lives he had taken feel the same way?

''No, it's not about that. I don't want to reveal more. I don't deserve this ability, but it was necessary to win against you,'' he replied, feeling truly inferior.

''If you had used such a powerful ability from the beginning... I would have lost long ago, huh?'' Alshain retorted, laughing softly and beautifully.

''I'm not sure. If you hadn't waited at the start so much, I would have definitely lost.''

"Hehe... hahaha. How amusing," Alshain said and continued speaking, ''A fragment of a constellation like me actually lost to a human. All the power and might I possess, was I really going to lose to a human? As much as I want to accept it, this desire suppresses a profound sadness.'' He looked at Aaron with a gaze full of mixed emotions.

''We humans, thanks to our intelligence, have managed to adapt to environments and events, and through our hearts, we have gained immunity against all fears. There were only two things we couldn't overcome: severe illnesses and nature. Apart from them, it was inevitable for us to obtain everything,'' Aaron said.

''I see... I won't lie, young master Aaron, you... are the only being that has earned my respect. Among all the gods, goddesses, celestial beings, demons, monsters, and other entities... I offer my respect to you,'' Alshain said, looking politely at Aaron.

Aaron's eyes widened upon hearing Alshain's words. He had never thought that this power before him would speak such things to him. In his previous life, he had personally protected and safeguarded the Constellation and its fragments, but none of them had ever spoken to him like this.

''I... I am honored, Lord Alshain. Truly,'' Aaron said, narrowing his eyes slightly and smiling gently.

''Do you... have a dream, young master? If you do, I wish to know,'' Alshain said with closed eyes.

''A dream? Hmm... I'm not someone who spends much time thinking about dreams, but of course, I have a couple. With your permission, I will share them with you.''

''I would be honored,'' Alshain replied.

''I want to be strong. I want to be strong enough to deter threats like you, to create a safe haven for people, to eliminate any harm that may come to my family. Clishe isn't it?'' Aaron expressed, taking a deep breath and continuing to speak:

''I want people to be brave, to not only think of themselves, and to destroy these monsters that try to bring death upon us. They may sound exaggerated, but these are my wishes, Lord Alshain,'' Aaron said, his eyes turning from red to white, filled with purity.

Upon hearing all of this, Alshain smiled with closed eyes and spoke with that smile:

''Can you believe that just a minute ago, we were fighting to kill each other?'' he said, without giving Aaron a chance to respond, continuing his speech:

''You are a good person, young master. I know as sure as my name that all of your dreams will come true. I am about to die now, and I won't be able to witness them by your side, but please know that there will always be a fragment of a constellation watching over you when you gaze at the havens. Until the day you die, I will watch over you and wish for your safety,'' Alshain said, as his body turned into dust starting from his feet.

The little constellation, starting to fade away, spoke one last time:

''I bestow upon you my own ability. I hope this power will aid you forever in your dreams and chosen paths,'' Alshain said, and after his words, his entire body turned to dust and dispersed into the air.

Aaron stood in a position, looking at the spot where Alshain had disappeared. He didn't care about anything happening around him at that moment, even disregarding the system notifications in front of him. He fixed his eyes and attention on the wall.

''Farewell, the brightest fragment of the Aquila Constellation,'' he said, turned around, and slowly walked out of the palace.

None of them couldn't believe what had just happened in the world. A single young man had dethroned and killed someone with such power, and on top of that, had earned their respect. Even if he hadn't realized it, he had already gained a position of leadership among people. His previous enemies and friends, even if they didn't know him, respected him. At least he deserved that.

Unaware of what had transpired, Aaron would spend the next week without any knowledge. What he didn't know was that people all over the world had given him a nickname:

"The Arch High Human."



While the system's broadcast was still ongoing, Aaron slowly made his way out of Alshain's fading golden palace and began walking, albeit with great difficulty.

At that very moment, the whole world was talking about Aaron. He had gained numerous enemies and followers.

Breathless and covered in blood, Aaron searched for a place where he could sit down and rest. Despite his struggle, he managed to take steps and, even if only for seconds, avoid death.

''Hah...hah...'' Deep breaths escaped from him unnoticed, and with each step he took, it seemed as if he left behind a pool of blood. Aaron was in such a severely wounded state.

After approximately 30 seconds, he finally found a bench where he could sit comfortably. The bench stood intact, not even a hint of damage. Seeing this, Aaron quickly approached the bench and sat down. Immediately, he took out four health potions from his inventory and drank them. Although most of his wounds had already healed, these injuries were not inflicted by ordinary monsters but by a constellation, a fragment of a celestial being.

Knowing that his wounds would never fully heal, Aaron reached into his inventory again and took out around ten bandages, wrapping himself entirely. After a short while, he finished wrapping himself up.

Aaron felt exhausted, something he hadn't experienced in a very long time. He hadn't felt this way since witnessing the death of his family in his previous life. He let out a breath, audibly different from all the sighs he had made throughout the day. He was well aware of his own fatigue, which is why he let out this sigh externally.

The whole world was watching him. This young man sitting on the bench, seemingly having nothing, appeared very strange to them. Even his enemies had become admirers, yet they found this situation peculiar.

At that moment, Aaron did something that surprised everyone. He stretched out on the bench and gazed at the sky, wearing a smile. He didn't say or think anything at that moment; all he did was murmur softly. Everyone could hear this murmuring and understand how he felt. This young man was very, very tired, but he had found something that could suppress his exhaustion. In the eyes of others, he was... happy.

In the system forums, hundreds of messages and videos were circulating. People were discussing this young man. No one could understand what had happened before. What they witnessed seemed like magic. This young man had single-handedly killed a god.

''That was one of the weakest one, i shall be stronger- that was ''pure luck'' he said in a sad voice that covers withing the eyes of a god.''



"Did you see? Mom... Dad?" Dahlia asked, tears streaming down her face.

"I saw it, my baby. I saw everything," Valerie said, struggling to hold back her tears, tightly holding Sean's hand, cursing her own weakness.

Meanwhile, Sean was staring at the screen, neither speaking nor crying—only thoughts occupied his mind. "Well done," he thought decisively and closed the broadcast.

"Sean?" Valerie said, shocked, about to speak again when she noticed her husband's gaze. The indomitable emotions of the former soldier had crumbled. There was no trace of coldness or professionalism on his face—only regret and the mark of cursing his own weakness.

"We need to work harder, or we won't be able to catch up to our son," Sean said, standing up and heading to the tower market.

As the scene faded, the only thing clearly visible among the crowd was the pride-filled eyes Valerie had for her son and husband.



Aaron suddenly noticed his eyes beginning to close. He wanted to let himself give in, even if just for a moment, and his eyes closed. After a long time, ever since he truly returned to the past, he slept for the first time and felt at ease.



Aaron opened his eyes all of a sudden. It was pitch black and silent, but he could sense something. Unable to determine if it was coming from an enemy, he thought about his system inventory. He needed to unsheathe his sword. However, nothing happened—his sword didn't unsheathe, and his inventory didn't open.

After contemplating the risk of taking a step forward, he finally did. Immediately after taking that step, the surroundings started gaining color, distinct scenes were forming—shattered bodies, weeping faces.

Aaron's eyes began to tremble; he knew exactly what this moment was... He was currently in London, and to top it off, he was wearing his armor right before dying. The meaning behind this was crystal clear.

He slowly lifted his head and saw the colossal figure in front of him. Covered in blood, standing defiantly, he glared at the figure in front of him. Then, in a tone that shook his mind, the figure spoke:

"Did you miss me?"