Volume 6- Chapter 19: Lava Extract

"What about me?" Dahlia was lost in her own thoughts, and for some reason Astrid offering her tea seemed to comfort her. Astrid briefly told her to wait and smiled her perfect smile in her direction.

"I envy you, big sister Astrid." Dahlia said suddenly, drawing the attention of both Astrid and Aaron, who was still dealing with Fresinth and Hector.

"Me? I'm not the most enviable person...." Astrid had never thought that a girl like Dahlia, who was so at peace with herself, would think like that. Both Astrid and Aaron and the rest of the group agreed. No matter how negative it was, she was always the perfect girl who did her best to keep everyone's spirits up. When April died, Blie did not ignore to do everything she could for June and did not hesitate to talk to Sean even when Sean and Aaron had a bad relationship. It was clear that she was second only to Pule as the morale of the group.