

The clash continued in the sky above.

With his eyes fixed on the ongoing battle, Alex observed that this fight could extend for quite a while. In this world, there was a saying that when experts engaged in combat, it could either end in an instant or span a decade. As he gazed upward, his excitement was palpable; he had stumbled upon a technique that perfectly suited him. While it demanded his lifespan as payment, Alex was unconcerned about such limitations. He had a suspicion that his current lifespan exceeded that of even Overlords in the realm's hierarchy.

The technique offered immense power in exchange for lifespan, making it an almost perfect choice for him.

"This power is truly mesmerizing," Alex mused aloud.

"Yes, the vitality contained within lifespan energy is indeed enchanting," Yin Xia concurred.

[Author's Note: I am such a fucking dumbass, i keep forgeting what is her Name, if you see a different name for her i am sorry.]

"I've heard that there's a history behind the Technique Sect Master Yun practices, though I'm not entirely sure about the details," Yin Xia continued, her gaze fixed on the tumultuous skies. An undercurrent of concern laced her words.

"I see," Alex responded.


In the midst of the swirling energy above, the fierce battle raged on.

Streaks of light intertwined, their movements too swift for the human eye to decipher.

"Their strengths are so evenly matched that only exhaustion will determine the victor," one Elder commented, his gaze fixed on the ongoing spectacle.

"But how long will that take?" another Elder inquired.

"I cannot say," a different Elder responded. "All we can do is wait."

"Let us cease our squabbling and remain patient. Time will reveal the outcome," Elder Bai advised, his worry evident. Although Central Continent was undeniably potent, its strength was mired in discord. Unlike Eastern Continent, where conflicts were direct and open, the power struggles here were cloaked in layers of subterfuge. for example in Eastern Continent Even though Scarlet Carnage Sect held a preeminent position, its position was basically unmatched, their Elders had more than enough strength to supress anyone in the Eastern Continent, they had more than enough Foundation to do that more than enough, their trump cards were one of the strongest in the entire continent, they could use it anytime all. if the younger generation faltered, it could spell significant embarrassment. Elder Bai couldn't shake his concern that the situation might not unfold as desired.

"I hope our plans align in our favor," Elder Bai muttered, a heavy sigh escaping him.


"Your power has indeed grown, Yun Tian," Old Chang remarked, facing his opponent with determination, even as his own power dwindled with every passing second.

"I found inspiration in observing your training, Big Brother Chang. It motivated me to strive forward," Yun Tian acknowledged, his words tinged with a somber note.

"HOW MANY TIMES MUST I TELL YOU! NEVER ADDRESS ME LIKE THAT!" Old Chang's fist lashed out, frustration apparent.

As the battle continued high in the sky, were it not for the celestial conflict, the surrounding mountains would have been leveled. The struggle was nothing short of monumental.


"Cough... I apologize, Senior Sister Yin, but I need to cultivate. I've drawn so much inspiration from this battle, and I wonder where I could do that," Alex inquired. Surveying the temple's interior, he noticed the furniture and a pillow where the Sect Master had likely sat.

"Down in the sect would be a suitable place," Yin Xia suggested.

"Right here on this pillow?" Alex questioned with a grin.

"What? No, of course not!" Yin Xia exclaimed. "Take this instead. It's a token that grants you access to the cultivation chambers."

Alex nodded appreciatively. "Thank you. I'll strive to become stronger and repay this favor to the sect."

"Thank you," Yin Xia responded before returning her gaze to the sky.



Meanwhile, Alex went invisible and descended through the sect, his thoughts consumed by his newfound cultivation technique. As he searched the premises, he noticed guards stationed around the highest peak. It was an indication that he was close to the place he sought.

Hiding behind a large tree, Alex observed the scene below. His eyes settled on a massive steel door embedded in the mountainside. Carvings adorned its surface, depicting various mythical creatures.

"There are five individuals guarding that door," Alex noted, his sniper rifle aimed carefully. Positioned about three miles away, his sight was keen enough to target them accurately.

PEW!!! PEW!!! PEW!!! PEW!!! PEW!!!


[Congratulations! You have slain a Soul Awakening Realm (Infant) Cultivator.

+3000 Years of Lifespan]


[Congratulations! You have slain a Soul Awakening Realm (Infant) Cultivator.

+3000 Years of Lifespan]


[Congratulations! You have slain a Soul Awakening Realm (Infant) Cultivator.

+3000 Years of Lifespan]


Alex's eyebrow furrowed. "What the heck? They were so weak... Something's not right here." He frowned at the scene. These cultivators were on par with normal Elders in small cultivation sects back in Eastern Continent. Such a reality was hard for him to believe.

"Is this some kind of trap? If so, I've fallen right into it. Wait a moment... I'm such a dumbass." Alex smacked his forehead in realization.

Turning himself invisible once again, Alex made his way to where the defeated cultivators lay. His gaze then returned to the imposing door before him. He hesitated momentarily, spotting an unusual carving that resembled a UFO. It bore a globe-like top with an open center, and it had an almost organic quality.

More carvings depicted people kneeling before the UFO, receiving scrolls from it.

"Are these cultivation manuals?" Alex wondered aloud, baffled by the enigma. Could aliens have bestowed cultivation knowledge upon the people here? Did this imply that aliens were the figures from above? Questions swirled in his mind, their answers eluding him.

"Regardless, let's see if I can break this open," Alex muttered, directing his attention to the imposing door.

And then, he punched it...


However, to his surprise, nothing significant occurred.

"Well, I guess it wouldn't be that eas—" he began to speak but was left flabbergasted as an overwhelming force erupted.


End Of Chapter.