Crimson Rain

As the conversation between Daimon, Lilith, and the group from Solara continued, Daimon's curiosity got the better of him.

He decided to delve further into their newfound companions' backgrounds by checking the status of their leader, Liam.

This information would provide a better understanding of the strength and abilities of the group they were now interacting with.

Activating his skill, Daimon focused his attention on Liam's status:


Name: Liam

Race: Human

Rank: B


Strength: B

Agility: B

Constitution: C

Intelligence: C


1. Bladestorm (B) (Active)

- Unleashes a whirlwind of sword strikes, hitting multiple enemies within range.

- Deals increased damage based on agility and precision.

2. Elusive Evasion (B) (Passive)

- Masterfully dodges enemy attacks, making it difficult for opponents to land hits.

- Gains a brief boost in speed and agility during evasive maneuvers.

3. Berserker Rage (C) (Active)

- Taps into a state of controlled fury, boosting strength and speed significantly for a short duration.

- The user becomes a whirlwind of destruction, dealing devastating blows to opponents.


After scrutinizing Liam's status, Daimon went on to check the status of the other members of Liam's group.

To his surprise, their stats and skills were identical, which suggested that they might be a specialized unit with synchronized abilities.

However, it was clear that even with their unique skills, they were relatively weak compared to Daimon and Lilith.

The tense atmosphere grew even more palpable as Liam's gaze turned to Lilith, his anger evident in his demeanor. He shouted at her, "What do you mean by that gesture?"

His sword was pointed at Lilith, the tension escalating as he demanded answers. "Did you kill them? The trio, did you take their lives?"

Lilith met his fury with an enigmatic smile. "Even if I were to deny it, you'd likely accuse me anyway. So, for the sake of brevity, let's say I did."

Liam's anger flared, his voice tinged with disbelief and grief. "How dare you take their lives! They were our members, and we waited for them! But to think that you killed them..."

He continued, his voice carrying a mixture of sorrow and rage. "Whoever you are, you will pay for their deaths today!"

Lilith's crimson eyes held a calm intensity as she responded. "They chose their path, and they paid the price. Their arrogance and foolishness led them to their demise. But I understand your loyalty, even if it's misplaced."

Liam's grip on his sword tightened, his knuckles turning white. "Misplaced? You have no idea what they meant to us."

Daimon interjected, his voice measured and calm. "Their fates were sealed by their own actions. In this tower, weakness is a liability, and overconfidence leads to destruction."

Liam's glare shifted to Daimon, his fury unrelenting. "You have no right to speak about them. You, who allied with the likes of her."

Daimon's gaze remained unwavering, his crimson eyes meeting Liam's with an intensity that conveyed his resolve. "In this tower, alliances are formed based on mutual interests and respect for strength. You should know that."

Lilith's smile remained unchanged, a mix of amusement and a hint of something more inscrutable. "It's clear that your anger is clouding your judgment. If you're seeking revenge, you should consider whether you're capable of achieving it."

The corridor was filled with tension, the air heavy with unspoken accusations and suppressed emotions.

As the standoff continued, it became apparent that the encounter between Daimon, Lilith, and the Solara group was far from a chance meeting.

The tower had brought them together, weaving their fates into a complex tapestry of alliances, rivalries, and challenges that lay ahead.

Liam's fury reached its peak as he unleashed his Berserker Rage, his entire demeanor transforming in an instant.

The surge of power coursed through his veins, invigorating his body and enhancing his combat abilities.

His companions followed suit, their eyes blazing with newfound strength as they activated their own Berserker Rages.

In a matter of moments, the Solara group underwent a startling transformation.

Their physical attributes intensified, their movements grew swifter, and their aura exuded a palpable ferocity.

The corridor seemed to tremble under the weight of their combined power.

Liam's voice reverberated with a mixture of rage and determination as he bellowed, "You have killed our men, and now prepare to die!"

His sword was raised high, pointed menacingly at Lilith, his target of vengeance. With a swift gesture, he signaled his intent to attack.

However, Lilith's path forward was suddenly blocked by Daimon's outstretched arm. He cast a confident and amused glance at Lilith before turning his attention back to the oncoming threat.

"Let me handle them," Daimon calmly stated, his voice carrying a casual assurance. "I haven't had enough fun earlier."

With a fluid motion, Daimon summoned a Blood Sword using his Blood Arts. The weapon materialized in his hand, its crimson blade gleaming ominously in the dim light.

Daimon pointed the sword at Liam and his subordinates, his stance one of readiness and anticipation.

"Come now, let's dance," Daimon taunted, a hint of amusement playing on his lips.

Liam's anger was palpable as he rushed forward, his Bladestorm technique turning his sword into a deadly whirlwind of strikes.

The onslaught was fierce and relentless, yet Daimon stood his ground, not attempting to evade the attacks.

Liam's strikes landed, blood staining Daimon's clothing and wounds forming on his body.

Liam's laughter echoed through the corridor, his arrogance evident. "To think that you are this weak! You can't even dodge my attacks."

However, Daimon's laughter soon joined Liam's, a low and ominous sound that sent shivers down their opponents' spines. "Do you think I need to dodge? I didn't at first."

In an instant, the blood that had spilled from Daimon's wounded body began to coalesce, forming countless tiny needles that hung suspended in the air.

Daimon's eyes blazed with a newfound intensity as he shouted, "Blood Rain!"

The blood needles descended like a torrential downpour, raining upon Liam and his companions with deadly precision.

The Solara group, caught off guard by the unexpected attack, found themselves vulnerable to the onslaught.

The needles pierced through their defenses, causing wounds that oozed blood and sapped their strength.

Liam's triumphant expression morphed into one of shock and pain.

His companions, once empowered by their Berserker Rage, now writhed in agony as the blood needles exacted their toll.

Their attempts to retaliate were thwarted by the unrelenting assault, their strength waning with each passing moment.

As the battle raged on, Daimon's blood-soaked form stood as a stark contrast to his opponents' weakening resolve. Liam's voice, now strained and desperate, cut through the chaos.

"You will pay for this!" Liam spat out, his voice laced with a mixture of anger and agony. "We are the elites of Solara, and we will not fall like this!"

But despite his defiance, the effects of the blood needles were undeniable. One by one, Liam's companions fell to the ground, their life force draining away.

Their once-powerful forms now lay broken and defeated, their dreams of vengeance shattered.

Liam himself staggered, his movements sluggish and his strength waning. He cast a final glare of hatred and resentment at Daimon and Lilith before collapsing to the ground, his life force extinguished.

The corridor fell into a heavy silence, the battle's echoes fading away. Daimon and Lilith stood amidst the aftermath, their forms untouched by the carnage that surrounded them.

As the blood needles dissipated, their deadly dance came to an end, leaving only stillness in their wake.

The encounter with the Solara group had come to a decisive and brutal conclusion.

The tower's unforgiving trials had once again proven that strength and strategy were paramount in the quest for survival.

And as Daimon and Lilith stood in the corridor, crimson eyes meeting in silent understanding, the tower's mysteries and challenges continued to unfold before them.