Crimson Awakening

The forest, cloaked in the silence of twilight, bore witness to an event beyond the realms of mortal understanding.

Just moments after Chris and Claire's fateful leap into the abyss, a peculiar occurrence began to unfold.

In the same spot where the lovers had disappeared, a shimmering portal materialized, as if summoned by forces unseen. Its existence was an enigma, defying the laws of nature and reason.

The portal's edges glowed with an eerie, pulsating light, casting long shadows that danced like wraiths across the forest floor.

From within the heart of this otherworldly gateway, an unsettling sight emerged. Crimson blood, thick and viscous, oozed forth like a malevolent serpent, pooling on the forest floor.

Each drop seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy as if it possessed a consciousness of its own.