Blood Sword

The volcanic wasteland crackled with tension as the battle between Jareth's group and Daimon unfolded. The air was thick with sulfur and the eerie glow of the volcano bathed the rugged terrain in an otherworldly red light.

Jareth and his group, skilled Three Star Martial Artists from the prestigious Phoenix Clan, had unleashed their most powerful attacks, but Daimon, with his crimson hair and enigmatic smile, had easily evaded them.

As the fiery assault converged on Daimon, he moved with an uncanny agility, his body flowing like a crimson shadow.

Lysandra's Burning Arrow streaked through the air, but Daimon sidestepped it with grace, the arrow harmlessly whizzing past. Aria's Burning Strike followed, but Daimon effortlessly ducked and spun, avoiding her strike by a hair's breadth.

Jareth and Varian, their swords blazing with fire, lunged at him, but Daimon danced between them, leaving only trails of fire in his wake.