"I wanna die," I murmured to myself, balancing on the edge of the ship's railing as we sailed towards Palawan.

"Hey, are you nuts? Get down from there. You might end up falling," yelled the man behind me.

"Please, just leave me alone. I want to die. Huhu!"

"Damn it, if you're really set on doing something foolish, do it on the other side, where I can't see you. I don't want to carry the weight of your stupid decision," he cursed at me.

"Then just go away or close your eyes if you can't stand it," I shouted back.

The ache within my heart had grown unbearable. Gerald, the man who held the key to my deepest affections, was veering towards an ominous destiny, entangled with that woman whose countenance resembled that of a kitchen ladle. What could possibly captivate him about her? She possessed a slender, fragile frame akin to a reed, accompanied by a head seemingly disproportionate, like a watermelon. And to make matters worse, she lacked any semblance of beauty and exhibited a mind as minuscule as a pea.

"Hay! Move on, idiot. You're fighting against true love," my conscience whispered, the same conscience I berated for not taking my side.

"Hey! Damn it, get down now, it's raining! Don't blame me if you slip!" the man persistently called out.

"Wait a minute, why do you keep bugging me?! Weren't you the one who didn't want to witness my tragic fate? Just leave!" I felt the urge to get off the railing and drag him along to toss him into the sea first.

"Whatever's troubling you shouldn't be solved this way. Let's talk about it," he pleaded.

"I don't want to talk about it. I just want to die."

"The sharks out there will feast on you. If I were you, I'd consider something not obnoxious like poison, maybe?!" He said.

"Tsk! You imbecile, meddlesome... imprudent idiot! Can't you just leave?"

Unbeknownst to me, he had crept closer, and in a sudden turn of events, he grabbed my waist and pulled me back. We both ended up lying on the cold and wet deck of the boat, locked in a precarious embrace.

"I won't let you go! You fool, just kill yourself next time, but not when I'm around," he said.

I turned to face him, our eyes locking for a brief moment.

"Damn it! Is he an angel or something?" I suddenly felt like embracing this handsome man holding me.

"Try your luck next time because I won't allow anyone to die in front of me, got it?" he said firmly with a serious expression.

"Geez!" I chuckled at my thoughts.

"Hey! Armando, you idiot, stop flirting," my conscience interjected, casting a knowing judgment on my wavering emotions.

"Are you gay?" he asked.

I didn't realize my gaze had fixated on his captivating countenance.

"Damn," I said.

I didn't reply to him anymore because I suddenly snapped back to my senses, and my irritation returned. After that, we both stood up, and I just left him there alone. "I've grown lazy to end my life now, so I'll just eat these sentiments of mine."

I returned to my room and changed my clothes. There was no problem with the clothes since I had brought everything I needed, and I had no intention of going back to Manila. Damn it! I was just hurt in that place. I didn't want to go back; I didn't want to see Gerald.

I went out and ate a lot. Yes, a lot; I have a big appetite. That's why I'm a bit on the chubby side.

While eating, my eyes fixed on one of the crew members. "Wow! There are actually a lot of handsome guys here," I realized for the first time that there are many men in the world who are more attractive than that stupid guy.

"Hmp! Damn him, I hope he dies because of his foolishness for marrying that stupid woman," I muttered to myself and continued eating. "It's alright; at least my mom loves me."

"Thank you, huh! My clothes are soaking wet because of you," it was the guy from earlier. He had an annoyed expression as he stared at me.

"Oh! How is that my fault? You're such a meddler, that's why that happened to you." I tried to act composed, attempting to raise one eyebrow, but I couldn't help but raise both at the same time.

"You fag!" He insulted me.

"Why, jealous much? Wanna join the gay federation?" Huh! He couldn't beat me; it's all just playful banter, no one has won against me when it comes to that.

"No way! Wow! What a glutton you are! There's plenty of food here," he suddenly sat in front of me. "Can I have some too?"

"Really? After insulting me, now you want to share my food? I can practically feel the thickness of your face from here." I retorted with sarcasm.

"Such a stingy brat; I don't have money. I'm starving, and you should also pay me for saving your life earlier." He said nonchalantly and continued eating.

"Is that really how you are? Interfering in other people's business? And on top of that, you even mooch off them."

"Don't mention the word 'mooching'. Other people can hear! I have some shame too, you know, even if it's just a little!" He said, still busy devouring the chicken leg.

"Well, at least you're ashamed in front of them. With me, you're not, you're too FC." I said.

"Huh! What's FC?" He asked.

"Feeling Close, stupid, we don't even know each other, tss!"

"Oh! I thought it meant Fuck-Cute," he said with a smile, teasingly licking the chicken leg like it was an ice cream cone.

Damn it, I got turned on by what he did. I continued eating to distract myself; I had no intention of picking up a guy on this ship. I'm a bit conservative, you know!

"What's your problem? Why do you want to kill yourself? And with a guy, no less?" He fired a series of questions.

"So what if it's a guy? Just eat your food and don't meddle in my affairs." I retorted irritably.

"Does he have another gay lover or a girlfriend?"

Damn it! I suddenly remembered Gerald. The pain that I had managed to forget just minutes ago came rushing back.

"Damn it, you made me remember again! Thanks a lot, tss!" I muttered with annoyance.

"You forgot about him so quickly because of me? But we just met, don't be like that, haha!" He continued eating.

His words struck a chord of heartache within me. I couldn't quite pinpoint the reason, but perhaps it was because of his undeniable handsomeness, which made him audacious and unapologetically shameless.

"Damn you, all of you handsome guys! Just drop dead!" I thought to myself.

I didn't talk to him anymore and just focused on eating. I ate quickly because I might fall into his trap and end up broke. He seems used to flirting with gays; this son of a bitch. Not that I'm judging, but I think he's a callboy, skilled at this kind of thing.

"Finish that, and I'll pay!" I rushed him.

"You're leaving already? We were still talking," he tried to stop me.

I didn't reply to him anymore, trying to avoid being taken advantage of. I'm just a gay guy, and I know I'm vulnerable in these situations. He's seductive, and I might end up being swindled, leaving my pockets empty! However, amidst the unease, my attention was drawn to the messy floor, littered with leftover food. So much wastage, and I couldn't help but feel guilty; I realized I really am a glutton. Tsk!

"You ate like a pig, so messy," I commented.

I paid and I left him, hurrying to get away so he wouldn't follow me. But I stopped when I saw two guys who looked like a couple. I felt jealous of them: one guy was supporting the other who seemed to be feeling sick due to the ship's movement. Probably feeling seasick.

"Ugh!" I muttered, "there's no such thing as forever!"

I entered my room and watched the porn saved on my laptop. What else could I do? I got turned on by that guy I talked to earlier, even though I didn't know him.

"Gerald," I muttered his name as I indulged in my foolishness.

After I finished satisfying myself, I proceeded to take a bath. I planned to drink to forget, at least alcohol matches my drama. People like me have no one who understands. They think I'm always happy because I'm fun to talk to. Sometimes, I want to curse them, so they'll know I can get angry and hurt too. I'm not a stuffed toy without feelings, you know. Even though I see Barney every time I look in the mirror.

After taking a shower, I went straight out and headed to the bar. I intended to drink myself to sleep, at least to forget him for a while. "Even just for a moment, please! Let me forget him," I whispered to myself.

Once seated, I immediately ordered alcohol, and as soon as it was served to me, I said, "Hi! Friend!" to the drink.

"Are you alone, sir?" asked one of the crew.

"Yes! Would you like to accompany me?" I smiled.

"Flirt!" my conscience chimed in.

"Sir, we have a limited serving of alcohol here, and getting drunk is not allowed. You need to have a companion, just in case, someone to look after you," the crew explained.

"Me! I'm with him," a voice from the back of the room shouted.

"Damn it! You again?" I muttered.

"Alright, sir. I'll leave you then. You're not allowed to exceed three rounds, since you're alone," said the crew before leaving. I couldn't understand why, but it seemed the crew ignored the strange guy.

"Tell me straight, are you stalking me? Haha, look how the crew ignored you, haha, are you invisible?" I teased.

"I also want to drink, what can you do about it? Forget about that crew; maybe he's already tipsy," he said.

"But you don't have money, right? Are you planning to join my party again?" I replied.

"Haha! I was just teasing you earlier. I have money, don't worry; this round's on me," he offered.

"Really?" I tried to raise one eyebrow, but I feel like I'm just going crazy doing this bratty stuff, I can't do it right.

Of course, it's already a blessing having someone come up to me, so why would I refuse? Since there's nothing I can do to stop him anyway, I just let him accompany me for the drinking session. At least I can save some money this way.

He sat in front of me.

"Hi! Miss, what's your name?" I got a mental block with that question.

"Huh! Ah, well, just call me Aps." I said, unable to reveal my real name as I tried to act all girly.

"Huh! Is that a name? I've never heard of that before. I'm asking for your real name. Of course, when introducing yourself formally, you should use your real name," he explained.

"Tsk! You're so annoying!" I was irritated.

"Hahaha! What's wrong?" It's up to you, I won't tell you my name." He threatened.

"Then don't. Who even wants to know your name?!" I retorted.

"Alright, here's the deal. If you tell me your real name, I'll share a big secret with you." He tried to make a deal with me.

"Doesn't matter, I'm not interested in your secret anyway," I said.

"You might not be interested in my secret now. So don't make assumptions, you might pester me later about it. By the way, what's your real name?!" he insisted, pressing on.

"I'm Armando Peralta," I answered.

"So that's it, haha, a very manly name," he joked.

"Don't make a fuss about it; the one who gave me that name is already up in heaven. What's your name?"

"I'm Rion Diaz, bro!" he said, extending his hand to me.

I shook his hand, and there we were formally acquainted.

"Oh, what's the secret?"

"Ah, I thought you weren't interested? Haha, my secret is..." he paused, and I was getting impatient to know.

"What is it?"

"It's big."

"What do you mean?" My ears started to get warm with what he said.

"My 'thing' is really big..." he teased again.

"What?! Damn it, this guy!" I was getting annoyed because of his teasing, my mind starting to drift into sexual fantasies.

"I mean, my shoes are big. That's just between us, haha!" he clarified with a mischievous grin.

"Screw you!" I got irritated all of a sudden.

"You know, there are many types of secrets: important secrets, insignificant secrets, embarrassing secrets, secrets that should be told to others, and secrets that shouldn't. What I told you is an important secret," he explained.

"Huh! What's so important about that secret? Who cares about your big shoes anyway?!" I retorted.

"Nobody does! But it's important to me," he said.

"Fine, it's important to you, but not to me. I don't care about your big shoes."

"You only looked at the superficial aspect of my secret. It's important to me, don't you wonder why it holds significance for me?" he questioned.

His words left me momentarily speechless. Indeed, why was it so important to him? I found myself curious to delve into the reasons behind his attachment to that secret. Perhaps I hadn't thought deeply enough to grasp what he truly meant.

"What's so important about it?" I asked.

"Are you interested in my secret now?" he said with a smile.

"Yes, fine, what the hell is with that damn secret?"

"My secret is that my shoes are big," he said, still smiling.

"Damn it! That secret is so annoying. This conversation is utterly pointless. Tsk!" I was getting irritated with him.

I couldn't understand what he was saying. He seemed like a fool, trying to force something into my mind that held no significance whatsoever. Those damn shoes, I couldn't care less about the brand, it's all meaningless to me.

"I swear, what the hell!" I muttered to myself.

"Basketball is my ultimate passion. I did everything to excel in the game. I almost neglected my studies because of it. My friends and family knew how much I loved basketball, so whenever they gave me gifts, it was always shoes they thought of. I had big feet back then, so I received a lot of big shoes as presents. But one day, I suddenly stopped playing. That's why all my shoes are big," he narrated, making little sense to me.

"Okay, enough of your story, it's getting boring. Just have a drink," I said.

"That means you didn't really listen to my story," his face suddenly turned serious.

"I heard your story, alright?!" I was getting really bored with our conversation.

"There's a difference between hearing and truly listening. When you only hear, my voice just passes through your ears. But when you listen, you understand my story," he explained.

"Okay, just get to the point. I'm not a smart person to decipher whatever you're trying to convey to me. You know what I mean?! I don't understand a thing you're saying!" I was getting annoyed.

"Didn't you hear what I said? Didn't you hear the word 'before' in my story?" I couldn't recall the details of his story, so I couldn't answer.

"You should really pay close attention to everything. That's where people make mistakes," he began, his voice carrying a mix of wisdom and concern. "We were given brains to understand, but we don't use them. We assume we know everything, disregarding the profound underlying meanings in life. It can be deadly if we don't think things through. Just like what you almost did earlier, contemplating suicide because you didn't think things through."

I couldn't help but feel a bit defensive. "What does that have to do with our conversation?" I asked.

"It has everything to do with it," he responded, his tone steady and composed. "Think carefully so you won't make impulsive decisions because one day you might regret it. Look into the deepest parts of life, and you'll realize there are far more important things you should be paying attention to."

The weight of his words settled into the air, casting a solemn atmosphere over the conversation. In the ensuing silence, the only sound I could imagine was the croaking of frogs in the distance.

"You thought you loved him?" he questioned, his tone treading the line between skepticism and understanding. "It's just like this: You miss his eyelashes; you remember the scent of Hugo Boss on him, the song he often sang, the places you both visited, how he smiled, or how you like to imagine that he was affectionate to you, just like he is in his current relationship. Are those the only things you think about to the point of considering suicide? Think again; maybe you made a mistake."

His words hung in the air for a moment, but I didn't let them penetrate too deeply. I gave him a brief, disinterested glance before shifting my gaze away. There was no use in entertaining his attempts to pry into my emotions.

"Sure, whatever you say," I replied with nonchalance, keeping my emotions guarded and distant.

He persisted, trying to make a deeper connection, but I couldn't be bothered. My mind wandered, and a sense of detachment enveloped me. I let his words fade into the background, like an unremarkable hum of white noise.

"Okay!" I said, interrupting him as I stood up to leave. The conversation had lost any semblance of relevance or significance. It was time to put an end to this futile exchange.

As I prepared to leave and return to my room, the crew members stopped me, subtly asking for payment for the drinks that Rion and I had consumed.

"Wait, there's a misunderstanding. My companion will pay for it," I told the crew, trying to shift the responsibility to Rion.

"You've been drinking alone, sir. If you may, please pay at the counter. I'll accompany you," the crew member insisted. As I turned back to the table we were sitting at, I was startled to find that nobody was there. Rion had disappeared without a trace.

I sighed inwardly, realizing that Rion had left me with the bill. Annoyed and frustrated, I nodded to the crew member and followed him to the counter to settle the payment. It was embarrassing, as I had never experienced being stopped by the crew for not paying a bill before. Yet another irritation to add to the growing list of frustrations from the evening.

Once the payment was made, I returned to my room, feeling even more exasperated with Rion's behavior. I couldn't help but wonder if he had deliberately abandoned me with the bill, or if it was just another careless oversight on his part.

Regardless of his intentions, I was determined not to let his actions affect me any further. I closed the door to my room, seeking solace in the peaceful space away from the ship's bustle. As I settled in, the echoes of his words still lingered in my mind, but I pushed them aside, vowing not to let his interference or indifference continue to bother me.

I wandered around the ship, making the most of my time as the journey would end tomorrow morning. I was still bored, and Rion suddenly came to mind. It's like having a weirdo to talk to is better than looking like a fool wandering around alone.

"Alone again, thinking about me, huh?" Rion's voice echoed.

"Are you stalking me? ... Oh, right! You idiot, you said you'd pay for our drinks!" I snapped at him.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot my wallet earlier, my bad!"

I pondered to myself, considering the possibility that maybe he was genuinely lacking money. It could be that he was too embarrassed to admit his financial situation. With a sigh, I decided to let it go. I didn't want to be alone on this ship, and escalating the situation by dwelling on the annoyance wouldn't serve any purpose.

He approached me, and I noticed he was walking somewhat awkwardly.

"Oh, what happened to you? Did you trip?" I asked, my curiosity piqued by his unusual gait.

"You know, you lack so much – firstly, the art of listening; secondly, the ability to observe," he began, his words once again shrouded in enigma.

"Enough with the mind-boggling segues," I retorted, a touch of exasperation creeping into my voice. "Just answer my question."

"Since we crossed paths earlier, I've been walking like this, yet you failed to notice," he replied, a playful glint in his eye.

"Ah, I see. Fine, let's switch gears to a serious conversation then. This time, I'll be the one divulging something. Honestly, I've had my fill of your tales about those cursed shoes. And, by the way, don't you own any shorts? Why on earth have you been stuck in long pants all this time?" I quipped, a tinge of sarcasm lacing my words.

"That's also a secret," he said, winking mischievously.

"Damn it!" I grumbled, my frustration showing through my pout.

"Hahahahaha, you're quite entertaining! So, what's your story?" he asked, shifting the focus to me.

"The only person I've ever loved in my entire life is getting married. He's the first and the last person I promised to love until the end. But, well, He's getting married to that damn... You know how painful that is?"

"Of course, I understand that more than you might think. Hahahaha."

"You're a cheerful person, huh? You're laughing even when there's nothing funny?" I remarked, rolling my eyes playfully.

"You're sassy! We don't even know each other well, but I strangely feel at ease around you." His words triggered an odd sensation within me, like a puzzle piece clicking into place. It was a strange feeling, one I couldn't quite define.

"Why do you feel comfortable around me?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me.

"Not much, really. Maybe we share some similarities. I've been through a situation quite similar to yours. The only distinction is that my experience was about ten times more agonizing, haha. Kidding aside, the truth is, categorizing pain as mild, excruciating, or unbearable is futile. After all, pain is pain; it demands to be felt. Heartache speaks a universal language; different faces, same anguish. I don't harbor resentment for my own pain. We all endure suffering, but our methods of dealing with it differ. In my case? I made the gravest mistake with myself, and there's no way to undo it." For the first time, I found myself comprehending his words, each one sinking in with clarity.

I chose not to push for further details, wary that delving deeper might lead us down the path of his tedious monologues.

"Where's your room?" he suddenly asked.

"Why the sudden interest?" I felt a little curious.

"Just curious, haha. Want to hang out in your room?" he said.

"I'm a bit hesitant. Who's to say you won't lock me in there and try to kill me?" I was really hesitating since I don't really know him.

"Fair point, especially since we're practically strangers."

"That's true, you've only told me your name." I said, making a straightforward point. Although entering my own room seemed way dangerous, I strangely felt at ease with him. "Maybe it's time you opened up a bit more. We've talked mostly about your shoes, and I don't know much about you. At least you know I'm gay."

"I've been trying to share something important, but you don't seem all that keen on listening," he explained.

"Ugh, your shoe stories. What could be so important if all we've talked about is your shoes?" I retorted with a bit of sarcasm.

"A lot, actually. You might learn about half of my life," he answered with a serious yet somewhat cute expression.

I was momentarily speechless. There seemed to be something intriguing about his shoes, something he was itching to tell me.

"Alright, I'm listening. So, what's the big secret about your shoes? Do they have some kind of superpower or are they really expensive? Are you proclaiming yourself as 'Shoeman' or 'Super Shoes'?" I asked.

"Tsk! Always with the jokes." I sensed a bit of irritation on his face, but his cuteness wasn't lost on me.

"Then what's the secret? You keep avoiding the topic."

"I'll tell you once we're in your room, hehehehe."

My patience was wearing thin, but I decided to play along, even though I felt uneasy about the idea of letting a guy I had just met today into my room.

"Fine, but stay at a reasonable distance. Just in case you're planning something, I need a head start to escape."

"Sure thing, boss," he replied, saluting me in a playful manner.

We entered the room. His eyes scanned the surroundings, taking in every detail. I motioned for him to take a seat in the chair by the door, while I settled onto the bed, ensuring there was a considerable distance between us. I'm not great at estimating distances, but I'd say it was about three meters.

"Alright, spill the beans," I encouraged, signaling him to start his story.

"So, yeah, I used to be a basketball player back in school. There was this girl who liked me, beautiful and sexy, like she could rock the catwalk. She was a supermodel type, the campus crush..."

"Okay, she's beautiful, no need for all the dramatics," I interjected, cutting off his description.

"Fast forward... We became a couple, but our happiness didn't last long because something happened. One day, as we were crossing the street, a speeding vehicle was headed right towards us. I pushed her out of the way – of course, I loved her – so it was better for me to get hit by the car than for her. In short, I saved her. I ended up in the hospital after getting hit by the car. After that incident, I couldn't play basketball anymore. I went through a period of intense despair. Eventually, my girlfriend left me for reasons unknown to me. And a long time passed, but I still feel all the pain from what happened. A moment of insanity consumed me; you know how it goes, leading me to do things that ultimately resulted in unsaid goodbyes. Later on, I found out she was getting married to someone else." Although it seemed like he was staring at me, his gaze seemed to pass right through me.

"Mind you, she even told me she truly loved me before saying goodbye to marry someone else. She even cried in front of the rearview glass, the final glimpse of what could have been. Damn her, isn't that more painful than what happened to you?" He said, emphasizing his point.

"Ouch!" I couldn't help but let that word slip from my lips.

There wasn't a trace of sorrow on his face. In fact, he seemed rather cheerful. He had an uncanny way of carrying himself, as if he had mastered the art of concealing his pain, even though his situation was far worse than mine.

"Mind if I sit next to you? My legs are getting numb," he asked.

"Alright, but wait until I say 'game on' before you stab me. I need to mentally prepare myself," I joked.

"Idiot! So, what's your secret?" He inquired as he settled onto the bed.

"I don't have any secrets. I'm an open book. Everyone knows everything about me," I answered.

"That's wrong. You should keep something reserved for yourself at least. Sometimes, it feels good to have a secret that you can share with someone you love. Like me, let's pretend you love me, and I love you too. It feels good for me to know that you have a secret that you only told me. Because then, I can boast that I know you better than anyone else. They don't know your secret. It's a way to make someone feel important. It's called trust."

"That's a pretty shallow reason," I commented.

"Wow, are you deep, though," he said, his gaze becoming intense, causing his words to take on a different implication. My mind was suddenly filled with a sensual fantasy. "I have a question for you."

"What is it?" He replied.

"I know you're straight, but is there a chance that you can be curious about being with someone of the same gender?"

"Maybe, I can be curious sometimes."

"So, it's not impossible for you to consider being with a guy, huh? Can I give it a try?" I asked, trying to provoke him.

"Idiot! That's another secret, hahaha."

"Damn it!" This guy is really annoying.

"Do you know why humans always seem to be at the top of the food chain? We're not as strong as lions. We don't have the fangs of tigers, and we can't fly like eagles. But why do you think we are the most powerful beings in the world?" He asked, his tone changing.

"Here we go again," I said, though I found myself intrigued by the direction of this conversation.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because we're the only ones who know how to use our brains at the highest level. The brain is the foundation of power for every being. Even something like sex—would you engage in it with just anyone you feel like? Are you an animal that mates with whoever catches your interest? Even that requires the use of the brain. Sex is a humanistic need, yes, but we can't just do it without thinking. The brain! Whatever you want to call that piece of matter inside your hard skull, it's the key to avoiding many mistakes. That's how important the brain is. But do you know the saying that we only use about 10% of our brains? That saying is somehow true since we are not using the brain solely for thinking. Every part of it serves a purpose in our daily lives, yet most people don't harness its full potential." He went into a lengthy explanation to support his perspective.

"You think you're a genius now with that? Of course, I know that," I said, annoyance creeping into my voice.

"Idiot! I'm not telling you this to make myself look smart. I'm saying this to help you understand the importance of using your brain well. Trust me, only the most desperate people end up resorting to suicide, and you almost became one of them," he said, his frustration evident.

"Why do you seem so angry at those who commit suicide?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

"Yes, I'm truly angry, especially at those who end up dead. Because they don't utilize their brains properly. Later on, they might become lost souls, and then they'll yearn to return to life, but they can't. Who knows, you might become one too—a wandering soul. And then you'll realize that life is genuinely worth living. That's when you'll understand it's too late. Once you're already dead, there's nothing more you can do as a person. Don't turn the saying that regret is always at the end into reality; regret from the very beginning, to avoid committing grave mistakes." he continued in a lengthy monologue, his words laden with the weight of experience. "That's how potent the brain is; it has the power to bestow life and to take it away," he added, his tone carrying a somber weight.

He continued speaking as if he were a mental health professor. Until I didn't realize that I had fallen asleep.

When I woke up, he was no longer beside me. I got up and checked my belongings to see if anything was missing. Well, he's not a thief, and I don't have any wounds anywhere. Judge me if you want, but honestly, I don't really know him well. Why should I trust him completely? It was already a mistake to let him into my room, and I even fell asleep. So I checked my belongings. If something was missing, I'll just regret it. I remember what he told me before I fell asleep, "regret it first before you make a grave mistake." Luckily, everything was still there. Handsome and honest, I couldn't help but feel a bit intrigued. Huh, it seems like I might be developing some feelings for him.

I was getting close to disembarking from the ship. I waited a bit longer because I wanted to see him again, maybe get his number. I mean, come on, if you meet a handsome guy you had a great conversation with all night, wouldn't you want to get his number? It would be foolish not to, unless he didn't want to share it or if fate didn't bring us together again.

"Do you want to know what size my shoes are?" Rion suddenly asked from beside me.

"Oh, here we go again. Sure, what's your shoe size? I might get you something if I happen to travel abroad."

"Nothing," he said.

I was taken aback by his unexpected response. I turned swiftly to face him, my heart racing with a mix of surprise and curiosity. However, to my astonishment, he had vanished. I squinted my eyes, desperately hoping to catch even the faintest glimpse of him, but it was as though he had melted into thin air.

Stepping off the ship, a bittersweet emotion tugged at me, a sense of melancholy gnawing within due to the missed opportunity of not obtaining his number.

Suddenly, a haunting voice echoed softly in my ear, carried by a chilling gust of wind that sent shivers cascading down my spine. The atmosphere was heavy with an intense melancholy.

"Believe me, I regret it now," the echo whispered in my ear, its words dripping with a haunting sense of remorse.

I looked back at the ship and saw Rion by one of the windows. He wore a smile as he waved at me, gradually fading away. Tears welled up in my eyes, overwhelmed by the weight of the profound secret he had revealed with me. My body trembled, and I found myself choked with emotion.

I utter a whisper to myself,

"You fool, thank you."