Emily fled the restaurant, tears streaming down her face. She hastily retreated to her car and drove home, overcome with emotion. Once inside, she sought refuge in her design room, locking the door behind her. Collapsing onto the bed, she surrendered to her anguish, struggling to comprehend why Robert would betray her trust. Their relationship had been harmonious, with no signs of discord. The impending fifth anniversary made his infidelity even more bewildering.

As memories of Robert's kiss with another woman resurfaced, Emily's sobs intensified. She yearned for the situation to be a mere dream, but the harsh reality lingered. Her husband's actions seemed incongruous with his character, making it difficult for her to accept. Doubts crept in, wondering if Robert had been deceiving her throughout their relationship or if he planned to divorce her, as per their contract, now that they had a son. Emily buried her face in her hands, consumed by grief and disbelief.