
The death of Umberto I shook the whole world. The result made many people feel incredible that such a king was actually killed by an assassin who had no heels.

However, compared with other countries, Italy is more mourning. Many people did not expect that their monarch would be gone like this. So when King Umberto was sent from the hospital, the people stood on the street to see him off, the scene was solemn and solemn.

As for the royal family, they all sat in the carriage with red eyes, and it took a while for them to get used to this result.

As for the Prime Minister, he is busy preparing for the next step. There are a lot of things waiting for him to deal with the death of the king, not to mention the funeral. Next, the new king will ascend to the throne, and there will be more important division of power, which will keep his busy feet off the ground.

Not to mention, the next king has been determined, and Carlo, the eldest son, is the best choice. Because on the hospital bed, Umberto has made sure that in front of so many people, it is impossible to overthrow and re-election.

But unfortunately, even if Carlo becomes king, he has very little power, because his power is basically divided between the Prime Minister and the regent's uncle Amedeo, and he did not put his mind on it.

Now he's going to finish his father's funeral first, let's wait for the rest.

It was quick to come to Palermo from Rome, and it was quick to go back.

But this time it is no longer a freighter. The Prime Minister has transferred the Gordon, the best cruise ship in Italy at present. The 300-passenger cruise ship ordered it to travel from Venice to Palermo while he was still in Rome.

At that time, what I thought was to send the assassinated Umberto I from Palermo to Rome with better medical facilities, but now we can only send the body to Rome.

Not fortunately, Prime Minister Cairoli has taken this into consideration and has issued a document asking the officials who stayed behind to prepare for the funeral, and now they need to hurry back to Rome.

On April 25, the Gordon arrived in Rome, carrying the people and the king's remains. There were also a large number of people on both sides of the road silently seeing off the majesty.

On April 27th, the doors of the Quirinale Palace opened, and the guards dressed in plain clothes walked in the forefront with various weapons, and then the carriage dressed in chrysanthemums carrying Umberto's body slowly drove away under the driver of Feng Zhe. come out.

Followed by the family members, Queen Margherita in mourning clothes, Carlo and others, and Uncle Amedeo also walked with his family members, followed by government officials and representatives of various countries. There was a sad expression on everyone's face. It made the atmosphere very depressing.

With the departure of the funeral procession, the people on the street could not help but follow, which made the procession bigger and bigger. In this regard, Sabot, the mayor of Rome, ordered the police to maintain order and avoid any accidents.

The long procession went all the way to the Pantheon, the temple built by Octavian's son-in-law, which is now the cemetery of the royal family, where Victor Emmanuel II, who led the unification of Italy, is also buried here.

Due to the size of the Pantheon, the people who followed were blocked from the outside. Four high-definition soldiers carried the coffin containing the remains of Umberto I and were carried to the already dug pit.

Such a scene made the queen cry again, which in turn caused the others to cry, causing the cemetery to burst into tears for a while.

But no amount of grief could prevent Umberto's coffin from being buried. When the priest came forward to talk about the king's life, Carlo heaved a long sigh of relief.

This is not because he is not sad about Umberto's passing, but because he is an adult at heart, his sadness has long since passed. He could say that apart from the royal family, no one else in the room was so sad. At least half of it is fake, for example, the fat man over there has a dead father and mother expression, which is too fake.

Where is the one over there...

Hey, when Carlo saw an old man with gray hair, he felt that he had never seen it before. I've definitely seen him, but where?

Carlo can't take care of the old man now, because the people who attended the funeral have come to greet them as family members.

"My condolences, Queen."


The queen, who was still crying, replied casually.

"This is Ambassador Wells from England."

The official who was in charge of the introduction whispered the name of the person who came to Carlo. Why would a diplomat come to introduce him, because he, Carlo, as the next king, also needs to be greeted by guests, and in order to avoid embarrassment because he doesn't know anyone, the prime minister specially arranged for a young official to remind him.

"My condolences, Your Highness Carlo."

"Thank you, Ambassador Wells."

"This is Mr. Danny Dyer, the French ambassador."

"My condolences, Your Highness Carlo."

"Thank you, Ambassador Dell."

Carlo felt that he kept saying thanks to the guests, which made him feel like a marionette, letting others control him.

Immediately afterwards, the white-haired old man also appeared in front of him.

"This is the distinguished Mr. Giuseppe Garibaldi."

When introducing the old man, the young official used honorifics, which shows the official's respect for the old man.

It turned out to be him, no wonder he felt familiar.

However, in the heart of Carlo, who heard the introduction, he was more aware of this familiar sigh. This Garibaldi's name has long been known to his ears. It can be said that if it weren't for him, the unification of Italy would have been much more difficult, and it would have taken a lot longer.

If it is said that a selfless person is to be chosen in the unification war, no one can convince anyone except Garibaldi. It's a heroic figure with great charisma, but also heroic tragedy. The reason is very simple, that is, he is a republican.

Without letting Carlo think too much, Garibaldi walked up to him.

"My condolences, Your Highness."

"Thank you for coming, Mr. Garibaldi, it's an honor to know you, a hero who helped unify Italy."

Facing Carlo's unconventional answer, Garibaldi couldn't help but pause for a while.

"It seems that Your Highness thinks I'm a hero?"

"I think so."

"You must know that I am a republican."

"But it still doesn't change the fact that you are a hero."

The short conversation ended like this.

Carlo continued talking with the others.

But in Garibaldi's heart, the name Carlo remains.

For this episode of the funeral, no one except the young official behind him knew what Carlo had to say about Garibaldi.