made peace

In Rome, the topic of Prime Minister Cairoli and former Prime Minister De Pretis is the most eye-catching. Of course, this topic is only circulated among officials. Ordinary people have no chance to learn about it, but I believe it will be a while later. Time, the contradiction between the two will inevitably let everyone know.

During this period, there were also people who worked and adjusted for it, but these people were basically members of left-wing parties, but even among them, many of them had other thoughts. In addition, there are more people watching the fun and waiting for fish in troubled waters, and these people's minds are different.

Anyway, as the conflict between the Prime Minister and the former Prime Minister became public, it was like a boulder fell into the water and immediately caused a stormy sea, and everyone was waiting for the next plot.

Baron Filimic was walking quickly down the aisle of the Quirinale Palace, and everyone else nodded to him along the way.

"Hello, Your Excellency Chief Guard."


That's right, Felipe Mitch became the captain of the guards again. Despite the Queen Mother Margherita's resentment over the assassination of her husband, Carlo decided to keep Flimich as his captain of the bodyguard. The previous few months of getting along with him made Carlo feel the ability of Filimic. Although he was not responsible for protecting his father, he could not be blamed for this.

All evidence in hindsight points to this as an isolated incident with a mortal determination to make big news. This situation is very bad, because there is no organization, it is completely personal behavior, there is no way for people to be warned in advance, and various accidents were caused at that time, so there is this tragedy.

Of course, Gabriel, who dared to assassinate the king, has already been executed. He was charged with assassinating the monarch and endangering the lives of others.

However, this matter has passed, and now the hottest issue is the dispute between the Prime Minister and the former Prime Minister, and Felipe Mitch brought the latest situation.

"The monarchy in the Far East is very different from ours, and its bureaucracy is much more serious than ours. Although this has ensured the status of institutional culture in the region in the previous era, it has seriously affected foreign development. This is both its advantages and disadvantages. The power of the monarch is too large, which requires very high ability of the monarch, and it is obvious that excellent monarchs cannot exist forever, so the light of civilization has not been born in the Far East. In addition, they lack religious It is also the biggest regret that a religion as good as Catholicism has not taken root in the region."

Carlo rubbed his temples with his hands while listening to Professor Esther's eloquent remarks on the podium. Yes, this erroneous account of China's history was uttered by the best Italian scholar of Far East studies.

Now Carlo regrets studying the history of the Far East. He thought he would look at the same problem from a different perspective, but even the best Italian researcher of Far East history came to all kinds of ridiculous words. It's really hard for him to get stuck on someone by making an expression that he listens to with gusto.

"Professor, have you been to China?"

Suddenly, Carlo asked this question, which shocked Professor Esther who was talking about it.

"Sorry, Your Majesty, I haven't been to China."

Sure enough.

But without waiting for Carlo to continue to ask, as if he knew what Professor Esther was thinking, he continued. "However, although I have not been to China, I have studied Father Duhede's "Complete Chronicle of the Chinese Empire", Feng Bingzheng's "General History of China" and Baudier's "History, Geography and Literature and Materials of the Great Chinese Empire" In addition, I have contacts with missionaries and diplomats in China, and obtained first-hand materials and documents from their mouths."

Well, in Professor Esther's view, the study of Chinese history only requires books and other oral narratives.

In fact, in Europe, research on China is still in an unpopular environment. If Carlo didn't want to study the history of the Far East on a whim, then this foreign historian working at the University of Rome would not be able to enter the Quirinale Palace.

In addition, compared with the 18th century and the early 19th century, when the distance to the United States was compared, the current European concept of the Far East is the image of backwardness and barbarism. For Europeans, even the Americas in one civilization are backward existences, let alone different civilizations. of Far Eastern Confucian culture.

Although Professor Esther said so much, Carlo still felt that he still needed to say something. "Have you ever wanted to visit China?"

"Of course I would like to see it if I have the chance."

Faced with Carlo's question, Professor Esther certainly had this idea. Studying the history of the Far East by myself, it is unreasonable to have never been there.

Just thinking about the cost in the middle, it's not friendly at all. Not to mention the time it takes to go to the Far East, the cost alone is overwhelming.

Professor Astor has calculated by himself that the boat fee alone will cost at least 3,000 lire, not to mention other expenses. If it does not add up to 7,8,000 lire, it is not enough to spend. In addition, how should he go to live in China and other expenses? It restricts his thinking.

"If the professor has this idea, then the royal family can subsidize your 15,000 liras of funds. UU reading"

Carlo's words moved Professor Esther's heart, but considering the current course, he hesitated again, "Thank you for your kindness, but in this case, your course..."

"It doesn't matter, you don't have to worry about this at all. The key is whether you are willing to accept funding."

Carlo's words really moved Professor Esther. Thinking of his status as a king, it would be easy to invite a teacher again.

"Then I would like to thank Your Majesty for your generosity. I am very happy to go to the Far East and see for myself."

Who can refuse such an opportunity, especially for Professor Esther.

Carlo sighed in relief when he saw Professor Esther who was excited. After sending the professor away, he did not intend to invite another scholar who studies Far Eastern history. Getting along with this Professor Esther has made him understand that he and those scholars who study Far Eastern history cannot urinate in a pot.

If it wasn't for his own image, it would be very bad to dismiss Professor Esther directly, and he wouldn't spend 15,000 lire to send him away. Fortunately, this person knows interest, so that he can have a lot less trouble.

However, if he knew that this Professor Esther was proclaiming that he was Carlo's teacher everywhere, he probably would have wanted to beat him up.

Well, now he doesn't know.

At this moment, Filimic, the captain of the guards, came over.

"Your Majesty, there is something urgent."

"Are you in a hurry?"


After apologizing to Professor Esther, Carlo changed rooms.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

"His Excellency Prime Minister Cairoli and former Prime Minister Mr. DePretis have just reached an agreement, and Mr. DePretis is not seeking the prime minister's office."

