Judge Fairly

Xu Feng felt the cringe run down his spine. His last statement was too much. 

While trying to appear more appealing to the other gers in the courtyard and connect with them, he felt like a rotten politician trying to trick supporters for a cheap vote.

The kind that would take back their promises whether they won or lost the position they were competing for.

Internally he wanted to moan. Despite the almost physical feeling of shame threatening to overwhelm him, the crowd was reacting more positively than negatively.

At least a few of the gers in the room should know Sun Ming Hua well enough, he didn't seem like one to keep a low profile. Xu Feng was an unknown ger in Yilin town, and while he most likely wasn't going to stay a stranger after this incident, he needed to make a good impression.

At the very least he needed to not make an irredeemable bad impression for the sake of his contract with the Xuan family.