Dragon Chrysanthemum

Bai Mo continued to sit upright on the cushion as he gazed out at the scenery coming to life in the background. The winter had been the coldest in the past three years. Many had died in rural areas, and the government had to give out the minimum aid to the poor.

Life was fickle, people died every day, and things weren't fair, Bai Mo knew this.

He also knew somewhere deep down that he didn't kill his parents, and he wasn't a bad luck charm.

Xu Feng had told him over and over again about how bad Kang Han was for him. He even agreed with his new friend, but everyone else thought Kang Han was the perfect husband for him.

He had the perfect fiancée, the one everyone else wanted, but Bai Mo wasn't good enough, and he lost everything. His dad, his father, and finally his fiancée.

"You aren't missing anything Bai Mo." Xu Feng broke the toxic thoughts playing through the other boy's head. "Not a single thing."