Lord of the Ring

The wind fluttered in Xu Feng's face as the rode the two horses, Xun and Fei were good horses. They were both meek around Xu Feng, but they weren't the least bit skittish. Of the two, the stallion, Fei was more brave, so that was the horse Xu Feng chose to ride.

His riding experience wasn't too plentiful. He'd only ridden with Xuan Yang on their wedding day, but he was a quick learner, also the stallion was really very friendly.

The two more robust black stallions of Xuan Yang and Xuan Jian seemed to judge Xu Feng when he left with the "inferior horses," but Xu Feng didn't pay them any mind. If he tried to "borrow" one of them while their masters were at play, they wouldn't have it, so the horses needed to keep their judgment to themselves!

As a precaution before leaving Nanshan estate, Xu Feng had left a message with the new guards at the gate. Two separate messages. One for Xu Hu Zhe's group and the other for Xuan Yang and Xuan Jian.