Three Together — R18

"Creak, creak, creak," The bed seemed to want to join in the adventurous play for three. If Xu Feng was still in his right mind, he might be crying for his beloved king bed, designed with love, but instead he was crying to end the pleasure.

Too much pleasure could become pain. 

It hadn't become pain for him, but the itch was definitely scratched, and he knew both his lovers seemed to have endless energy when started up in bed.

It was difficult to get them to stop talking and start…rocking, but now it would be hard to get them to stop thrusting. The voice of reason among his husbands, Xuan Jian, had already released inside of him three times.

The heat of the last release still warming his moist innermost walls, fogging up his brain even more. His birthing canal seemed to have that effect on his brain.