Returning to Nanshan

Xuan Jian's embrace provided Xu Feng with a sense of security and warmth that he desperately needed at that moment. The gentle strokes of Xuan Jian's fingers against his face were soothing, and Xu Feng couldn't help but feel a deep sense of love and contentment. The future held so many possibilities, and he was grateful for the two incredible men who had come into his life.


The atmosphere in the carriage remained warm and loving, with Xu Feng resting in Xuan Jian's embrace and Xuan Yang ensuring that they had everything they needed for their journey home. 


The possibilities for their future together were endless, and they were ready to face whatever challenges and adventures lay ahead as a united family.


The journey home was peaceful, the carriage swaying gently as it moved along the road. The cool spring weather outside brought a refreshing breeze that seeped through the open windows, filling the carriage with a soothing atmosphere.