Xu Feng's Climb

Love is great, love is grand. 


The twinkling warmth that lights the way in the darkness of the world…


Yada yada, yada.


As for Xu Feng, he felt like flaming crap.


He'd spent hours struggling to keep up with the group of martial artists and nearly full fledged demon beasts. The journey up the Nanshan Mountain range felt like a painful climb. 


Unlike the men from this world, whose physical fitness seemed to be at an advantage compared to a man from the 21st century like Xu Feng, he found himself laboring with every step after the first 15 minutes. 


It had been at least two hours since they'd begun their ascent, and the rolling terrain made the journey all the more challenging.


The "hill," as Xuan Jian called it, was steep, with thick bushes, underbrush, and tangled vines barring their passage. The land was wild and untouched by man.