Two Dragon Eggs

The resemblance of the two eggs to ostrich eggs extended beyond size alone. Their shape and texture mirrored those of the larger avian non-relative. Adding to the charm resonant of an emu egg, the pair exhibited vivid and captivating colors.

Unlike the typical smooth surface of more common eggs like chicken eggs, these eggs boasted a peculiar texture. This unique texture made it easier for the eggs to navigate their surroundings unharmed—this was why they were now confined to the basket.

Whenever given the freedom to roam outside the basket or one of their designated confined resting spots, keeping a watchful eye on the mischievous eggs required more than just Xu Zeng. 

If the caretakers did not include Xuan Jian, Xiao Momo, or Xiao An, Da Long, in particular, would seize the opportunity to escape and hide in some obscure nook or cranny for hours on end.