That One

Even at this time when farmers were more lax in the thick of summer and Xuan Jian was actively repairing the greenhouse, the estate coffers were at an astonishing surplus of 750 taels of gold minus the 12 taels Xu Zeng had and 2 plus taels Xu Hu Zhe had directly from Xu Feng that the two kept as talismans. 


This was the most currency the estate had to its name in the last year. Xu Zeng's slow moving plan, was still slow moving, but he had been hunting tirelessly with the other able bodied men of the estate to build this pile of gold to fund a steadier life for the residents of the estate.


The months and years to come would be filled with security.


The grounds of Nanshan Estate were still confusing for Xu Zeng. Up until last week, when he finally stopped getting outright lost in the estate, the layout was like a maze. This brother was clearly directionally challenged and often got lost in the mountains as well.