This Isn’t Normal—R18

Xu Zeng was clearly off put about the other man's wandering mind. He was the one he initiated this interaction. He could admit he needed something to lift his mood to make everything better.


But in the end, it was Xu Hu Zhe who took it to the next level. He didn't ask for the half breed to assault his ears or to tease his chest, this body wasn't even very sensitive there.


The least the half breed could do was to finish what he started. It was cruel to leave themselves in this half hearted state. Only the horses were here to witness this, his delicate sensibility should be kept intact.


After the sharp call, came a touch of lips against lips. It was soft and slow, Xu Zeng liked these lips and enjoy savoring the touch, it always made his heart feel like it was being scratched from within his chest.