Golden Child

Who do the two babies take after?

Xu Feng sat still, barely breathing, watching the two babies sleep soundly after eating to their heart's content.

Xu Feng didn't even need to burp them or anything. They'd both burped—rather loudly—on their own. Would he need to burp them in the future if he gave them formula? Was this because he fed them apple sauce?

"You are so big." He whispered in awe at the two dragon cubs. His cubs. One nestled in his arms and the other sprawled across his lap.

The warmth of their small bodies pressed against him gave him a strange, almost surreal sense of peace.

Da Long, the older of the two looked to be at least nine months old in size, was cradled close to his chest, his head resting heavily on Xu Feng's shoulder.

Xiao Long, who looked just around eight months old, was stretched across Xu Feng's thighs, his round belly rising and falling with each soft breath.