Xu Feng turned toward the sound of the voices and was greeted by two small faces he hadn't seen in a long time. Lee Mo and Lee An, Lee Hua's children, stood there with big grins, holding little baskets in their hands.
Whether they knew they were seeing the once thought to be dead or not, was unknown. Maybe they just thought he'd gone on a small trip…
"What's this?" Xu Feng asked, crouching down to meet their height.
"Dad said to bring these for you!" Lee An exclaimed, her hands extending the small basket toward Xu Feng.
Lee Mo added, "It's for you and the dragons!"
Their excitement was contagious, and for a brief moment, Xu Feng forgot his worries. He accepted the baskets with a warm smile.
"Thank you," he said, patting their heads. The light but distinct smell of the dried flowers the two children had picked for him was hard to ignore or dislike. "Have you had breakfast yet?"