I Come Bearing Oxen~

Who dared enter your brother's room? Your brother.

Xu Zeng's rampage was still ringing in Xu Feng's ears, and his petty was rearing its ugly head.

It would be a comical reply, but Xu Feng had already seen too many new sides of Xu Zeng in a matter of seconds. Plus, the children were still sleeping.

Xu Zeng couldn't decide who he would stare at in awe, his brother or his nephews. Both options were not in the right place according to his memory. They both should be in the space.

BUT, there were three bodies with his blood in this room—other than himself.

Xu Feng, as an admirable big brother wanted to let his brother soak in all the information—so long as he did it quietly. The problem was that more noise makers were approaching.

"Master Zeng returned with you? Where did he go?" This was Xu San's voice.