chapter 1

It all started when i moved in los angeles california

I noticed that a strange guy was following me at the airport then i begin to think its just nothing that its all just my imagination.

As soon as i move into my new house strange things happen i went to my backyrad and saw a basement i went down there but it was empty and its just filled with bunch of old trash stuff as i remember i shouldnt not be down here .

I went back up and unpacked and fixed my stuff i got scared suddenly the doorbell rang

Ring!! Ring!!

Huh? Who could that be ?

Emily :Oh hi there

Mr carter :Hi im your neighbor its nice to meet you you can just call me mr carter i just live there at the next street

Some of our neigbors told me that there was a new neigbor here and they were refering me that its you by the way i came here to share you my homemade baked pie .

Emily :oh hi there its nice to meet you um mrcarter its nice to have a neigbors like you who likes to share anyways thankyou for the lovely homemade baked pie i really appreciated it.

Mr carter: youre welcome too what is your name again ?

Emily: oh my name is Emily by the way

Mr carter : oh ok than i better get going now its getting too late. Bye !

Emily: bye mr carter i really appreciate your effort and the pie you gave me.

ggz that scared me i thought who was ringing in my doorbell it was just the neigbors

How strange in my hometown in boston texas my neigbors often come to my house to share some things for me but talk behind my back and became rude.

Anyways i should be getting back to what i am doing.