chapter 6

a month later i move into a new house it was hard for me to leave my old neibor hood all my neigbors were so nice to me but i have no choice although i thought i was gonna be safe until i suspect somoene looking infront of my house. meanwhile i heard the news about somoene who got killed who turns to be the seventhy eight victim

emily: i might be just hearing and seeing things

i called to find a diffrent neighbor hood to make hope if there is an available slot so i coud move and get out of here.

emily: hello is this miss beckly hill

miss beckly hill : yes it surley is how may i help you

emily : i need a new place to stay in , a new house move in i was wondering if there is an available slots left ?

miss beckly hill : yes there is when will you like to move in ?

emily : after a month it will be surley fully paid soon as possible thankyou

miss beckly hill : sure ill have it reserve for you are my last buyer

emily : thank you so much i will text the date and time that i will move in.

miss beckly hill: ok thank you so much and have a nice day.

after the phone call

emily: is that a person standing infront of my window

emily ** screams


emily: wait hes gone , i swear to god i saw someone infront of my window.

door bell rings ring !!!!!!

emily : who is that ,coming

breaths heavenly ".

emily : jesus you scared me olivia

olivia : i missed you so much i heard you move into a new house

emily : yeah but there is a problem there is that killer still roaming around

emily : you wont believe on what im gonna tell you or am i just seeing things i just saw that freaking killer like he f**ck the hell out of me.

olivia : maybe it was all just a dream by the way we have many things to talk about guess what.

a few hours later time check 7: 00 o clock hmm i wonder if i should go back at that house to find clues and invistigate. i rememeber while i was watching the news the place where the victim was found was familliar to me its like ive been there i just cant seem to remember.