Chapter 7

Early the next morning, Rei returned to Kanagawa and then arrived in a private car with a backpack right at the entrance to Seongnam Middle School.

"I heard that the captain of the school team is now the great hero of our school..."

"Yes Yes! In the second half, he played well and personally brought the victory!"

"That's why we successfully reached the semi-finals..."

As soon as he entered, Ray heard all kinds of comments about him.

"It is a pity that you did not see this wonderful match. The captain just crushed our opponent…"

"Hey senpai..."

"Senpai, great game!"

On the way, boys and girls greeted him, and some brave girls even brazenly flirted.

Rei is quite handsome, and his silver hair only adds a bit of temperament. Coupled with the status of a young master of a large chaebol group, he was simply the dream of many girls ...

Handsome and rich, wherever he goes, he will be popular.

basketball hall

"Mibuchi, everyone is working really hard..." Rei looked at Mibuchi who was making three-point shots, Nanomiya Jiro who was practicing breaking with the ball, and Kato who was working on passing.

He was really lucky, this team is no worse than any other strong team.

If there is anything, it's just bad talent.

Last year, Ray invested all his pocket money in this basketball hall and bought good equipment.

"Captain, are you back so soon? I thought you were staying at home for the day…" Mibuchi smiled softly as he threw a three-pointer.

Rei also took the basketball, briefly warmed up, and replied with a smile, "Of course... everyone is working as hard as the captain can relax... Moreover, the opponent in the next game is Hiramine High School !"

When Nanomiya Jiro heard " Hiramine High School ", he suddenly stopped and rubbed his hair, " Hiramine High School , it seems like we played with them last year... They are very strong... Especially that guy..."

That guy ...

Mibuchi also stopped, a trace of fear flickering in his eyes, "It's true! They have won all their matches this year with a total victory! And that guy… He's very strong, just like the Generation of Miracles, he didn't even give his opponents a chance and won with a total victory!"

Hiramine High School's basketball team is very strong , second only to Teiko High School.

"This guy's dominance under the basket is really unimaginable..." said Nanomiya Jiro.

"He doesn't look like a high school student at all, strong body and huge muscles, he can be called monsters in a basket... Kiyoshi Teppei can't be compared to him at all!"

Eikichi Nebuya is one of the first established centers in the country and the first player from the Uncrowned Kings to blossom. Even if the overall strength of Hiramine High School isn't as good as Teiko's, they are definitely famous all over the country.

The absolute ruler under the basket is Eikichi Nebuya !

A monster known as the "Power of Hercules".

Even the current Murasakibara can't always suppress him, so Nebuya sometimes picks up rebounds... Even everyone else felt like he was the number one center in Japan.

Unimaginable strength, powerful body, the absolute owner of rebounds - the recognized genius of Eikichi Nebuya !

Of course, after the Generation of Miracles blossomed, he turned into trash.

"What's wrong with you guys... Why do you have such pale faces..."

"Captain, you don't know his terrifying power..."

"We can't relax and have to be serious..."

Rei showed a bitter helpless smile and nodded, "Alright then, let's work together to defeat Hiramine High School, and the monster you're talking about, just leave it to me!"

Before the Generation of Miracles, who are the Uncrowned Kings?

So ...

Ray's constant training is only meant to defeat the Generation of Miracles.

"Mibuchi, your throws are getting more accurate..." Rei couldn't help but praise.

Mibuchi, Nanomiya Jiro and Kato looked at the captain who was still smiling and were speechless. Does he really not know who Eikichi Nebuya is , right?

"That guy is very strong, captain, please be more serious…" Nanomiya Jiro said solemnly.

"I am serious..."

Mibuchi explained, "Jiro, don't blame the captain, he came to our school in the second grade and didn't play that game."

"What game?" Ray asked.

Jiro, Kato, and Suzuki Hayabusa tightly clenched their fists.

"Do you remember everything?" Mibuchi asked.

"Certainly ..."

When Reo Mibuchi was in first grade, Seongnam High School worked hard to compete in the Nationals. They used all their strength and teamed up to get through the qualifiers. Later, when the group stage began, they encountered a monster...which brought their path to the Nationals to an abrupt halt.

"Did you lose to Nebuya ?" Ray suppressed a smile on his face and became more serious.


"So..." - Nanomiya Jiro clenched his fist and yelled, "So, the next game is a rematch..."

"A rematch!"

"Therefore, we must work hard and take revenge!"

"Yes! We must win!"

After Reo Mibuchi mentioned that he joined Seonna in his second year of middle school, Rei immediately recalled the memories sealed in his mind.

He used to go to Teiko High School and play in the first team along with Shuzo Najimura, but due to some conflicts with the head coach, he dropped out emphatically during his first year and left Teiko.

When he was on the Teiko basketball team, the Generations of Miracles had not yet entered high school and were still in elementary school... So strictly speaking, he can be considered their senpaem."