We're sitting in dinning room, and everyone is enjoying their food, but I can't seem to enjoy my food bcoz of what happened earlier
I seriously don't know what I did, and scared that what if my decision is wrong
I look at Alex who is sitting in my mom's lap and eating his baby food happily
It's hurt to see that I can't protect the most important person of his and my life, I wish I was strong enough to protect them who I lost
“Eliora why are you crying” Isabella said to me and I realized that tears are rolling down my cheeks
I quickly wipe away the tears and see everyone staring at me “Sorry, you can continue” I said and leave from there
I run to terrace and take a deep breath to control over my emotions
‘I can't breakdown, I can't cry, I will not cry, I have to have so many things, my family, son and business, I need to be strong.’
I tell this things on repeat in my mind
Don't cry my sweetheart. A voice rings in my mind and my tears again start to fall
“Here” a handkerchief pass toward me and I turn to see Azriel standing next to me with handkerchief in his hand
“I don't need” I said and run my tears harshly so they can stop falling
“You'll hurt yourself like this” Azriel said and grab my hands to stop
I grab her hands to stop her hurting herself but she pull her hands back and I let go
“You can go” Eliora said and turn around but I didn't move from my place
Her tears are not stopping and the way she is harshly wiping it may cause her pain and scratches
I couldn't see her so I pull her toward me and grab her both hands in my one hand, she get shocked but soon understand what happened and start to glare at me
“You're hurting yourself” I said and I gently start to wipe her tears with my handkerchief
“I said I can do it myself leave me” she said and start to struggle to get free, oh God she is strong but not strong enough to break free from my grip
“Shut up and stay still Eliora” I said while looking in her eyes
“I. Can. Do. It. Myself” she said pressuring every word
“Yes you can, I see it how you're doing it” I said and touch her red cheeks with my hand
“I was doing it myself every time and I can do it myself now too” she said with bloodshot eyes
“Eliora stop crying” I said and try to hug her but she push me away and stand away from me
“I'm not crying now you can go” she said which unknowingly hurt me
“Ok I'm leaving” I said and drop my handkerchief on table next to her and leave from there
Azriel leave from here and I take a deep breath
“That was not a good behaviour Eli” a voice come from behind me but I didn't turn bcoz I know whom it's belongs
“He was helping you” Sofia come and stand next to me
“I don't want to talk about anything” I said not turning toward my friends
“He was nice enough to leave his dinner in middle and come to confront you but you just push him away and indirectly insult him” Isabella said
“I didn't tell him to leave his dinner and come to me” I said trying to justify myself
“Girl what are you doing” Sofia said and put hand on my shoulder
“I don't know” I said and sit down on floor with my face in my both palms
“I don't know, I'm...what I'm doing” I said
“Calm down Eli” Isa said and hug me
“Sorry I was not trying to make you feel guilty” Sofia said and hug me too
“N..no I'm sorry” I said and hug them both
“We forgot that, what you've suffer” Isa said and I remember all the past that I'm trying not to remember
“But Eli now you've to forgot all the past and focus on your future” Sofia said
“What do you mean by forget everything and move on” I said and glare at her
“She is not wrong” Isa said
“Enough I don't want to hear anything” I said and stand up, ready to leave
“Eli you can't always stay in your past, you've to move on” Sofia said
“Do you want me to forget that bcoz of that accident my son lost his dad and” I stopped in between after seeing my family with Smith family standing in doorway