"Arrgh.." Sir Louis screamed as he fell to the ground holding his leg.
Harold jumped down from the top of the castle with his chest bleeding and stood before sir Louis.
" Good bye Louis" Harold said as he drew his sword out and raised it up. Before the jingle nation warriors could get to where sir Louis and Harold is, a swoosh sound was heard and blood split everywhere.
The head of Sir Louis rolled on the floor of the castle like a ball. Seeing that their Lord and leader have been killed, the warriors and the entire people of the jingle nation surrenders to Harold. They were held captive.
Harold fell to the ground holding his chest due to the pains and poison from the arrow. One of the warriors rushed to his side .
" Put Chains and locks in their hands and legs and bring all of them to our nation immediately" Harold tells his best warrior Dimitri to bring all the survivors of jingle to scorpion nation.
Dimitri helps Harold up and assist him to where his horse is. He helped him to climb the horse and sent five warriors to escort him to scorpion nation for immediate treatment.
Chains and locks were placed in the hands and legs of the citizens of jingle nation by the scorpion warriors. The ones who tried to prove stubbornness were killed on the spot.
The warriors led them through the dark alleys down to scorpion nation, flogging them with whips.
Children cries, women screamed, men grunt to the pain they are being subjected to.
It took Robert Louis two hours and some minutes to get to jingle nation. By the time he got there, everywhere was already quiet with flames burning from every angle. Lifeless bodies and burnt bodies lie on the floor. Too dumbstruck to comprehend what happened to his nation within the twinkle of an eye, he looked around the serenity with his heart in his throat but then he remembered his father. He should be at the castle.
He told him earlier that they were going to pray and worship their gods at night but Robert wasn't really interested in the praying stuff. He prefers to hunt than go to the castle to pray. Hunting is more fun than praying like he always says. He ran down to the castle with mixed feelings amidst the smoke and smells of burnt bodies and houses.
' Will I see my father when I get to the castle?' This was the first thought that came to his mind.
As he approaches the castle, he finds it silent. He increased his pace and stopped at the entrance of the castle. The fire at the centre of the castle illuminates it. Dead bodies of warriors with their heads, hands and legs cut out lay on the floor. The floor of the castle was filled with blood, running like erosion . Some are already clotted. He looked for his father but he is nowhere to be found. He ran to the base of the castle and saw the lifeless body of his father with his head by his side on the floor. He rushed towards where his father's cops is laying and shook his lifeless body. He could not believe his father was gone.
" Noooooooooooo!!!" Robert screams in pain as his voice echoes through the entire castle and deep down into the night with his father's lifeless body in his hands.
A cool whirlwind blew into the castle through the windows. Robert looked around to see what was happening. The wind was so strong that it almost lift the castle from the ground.
" Robert Louis' ' A voice called from nowhere and Louis suddenly lifted his head up.
Are they here to kill him too? Who is that person that knows his name?
" You must set the people of jingle nation free from slavery. They are held captive in the scorpion nation now by Harold and his warriors. Do not worry about your father, he died as a hero so you must set the people of jingle nation free and protect them. That is your mission. The gods have spoken" The voice echoed through the entire castle and Raymond dropped the body of his father and stood up to look around.
"How am I going to set the people of jingle nation free? I am the only one alive, how am I going to defeat Harold all by myself?" Robert asked, trying not to blaspheme the gods. The gods were here when Harold came his warriors and took the people of jingle nation away as slaves. What did they do? They just sat there and watched Harold and his warriors do what they liked. They couldn't even protect his father against Harold, now they want him to go to scorpion nation and set the people of jingle nation free from slavery.
"I am all alone, our warriors are gone, our childrens are gone, our men and women are gone. Who is going to fight along my side?" Robert asked the gods.
"The gods will guide and fight along your side" The gods said and Robert scoffs.
"How am I even sure the gods will guide and fight along with me? Where were the gods when the scorpion nation invaded our nation and colonised us? Were the gods asleep? "
"Do not blaspheme the gods. They know what they are doing" The gods said with a thunderous voice as lightning strikes in the sky with the rumbling of thunder.
"I'm not blaspheming the gods , I'm just saying my thoughts and stating a fact. You can't send me on a suicide mission while you sits here and do nothing.
You better get your ass off from that place and save your people" Robert said with a cold, angry and painful voice. He is really angry with the gods for not fulfilling their duties. This is one of the reasons he doesn't like going to the castle for worship and prayers. The gods are dumb and powerless. If they aren't really dumb, they should have seen the attack from Harold and notify the people of jingle nation earlier. Even right in their presence, his father was killed and the citizens of jingle nation were held captive and taken away into slavery.