Robert Louis was still in the prison, he already stopped thinking about his new Heartbeat and realized he still have a very heavy task ahead of him.
“I have been there all alone for a long time, it’s time they return home.” Robert Louis said to himself and raised his head.
“Who are you?” He smiled when he heard the question the head warrior asked him. He stood up from where he was seating abs moved a little closer.
Robert Louis did not say anything to the head warrior he knew that the head warrior was trying to get words out of his mouth but he will not let him force any word out.
“Are you really dumb?” The head warrior asked again, Robert Louis was trying really hard not to say anything, he just smiled and looked at the head warrior.
“Someone come here!” The head warrior shouted angrily and one of the soldiers in charge of watching over him rushed to meet the head warrior.
“Open it.” The head warrior commanded one of the warriors, and immediately they opened the door. The moment they opened the door, Robert Louis frowned his face because with the look on the head warrior face he was up to no good.
“what does he want this time?” Robert Louis asked himself in his mind while the head warrior was walking closer to him.
“I really want to punch his ugly face.” Robert Louis said to himself again, the head warrior stopped moving and bent down to look at Robert Louis very well.
He used his finger to raise Robert Louis face up abs he gave Robert Louis a heavy punch.
“Do something.” The head warrior said to Robert Louis, Robert smiled and cleaned the splash of blood on his cheeks. The reaction from Robert Louis angered the head warrior and he gave Robert Louis another punch.
“Are you still going to pretend you are dumb?” The head warrior asked Robert Louis again, abs the sane thing happened again, Robert Louis cleaned the splash of blood on his Cheeks and smiled.
The head warrior became frustrated and he raised his hand to throw another punch on Robert Louis.
“Stop it!” The feminine voice paused the head warrior.
“Who is that idiot?” The head warrior said angrily and turned to look at the lady standing behind him, she was wearing a very long light blue gown with furs around her neck to keep her warm.
“What are you doing here?” The head warrior asked Isabelle, she angrily walked closer to him and pushed him away.
“I have the right to be any where I want.” She said to him angrily and tried raising Robert Louis from the floor.
“This place is too dangerous for you, you can’t be here.” The head warrior insisted, when she saw how persistent the head warrior was, she left Robert Louis and walked towards the head warrior angrily.
“I am Isabelle and I have the right to be anywhere, I think you should leave now.” She said to him angrily, the head warrior turned to look at Robert Louis abs he saw Robert Louis smiling.
Robert was completely lost that he didn’t even notice he was smiling. The head warrior thought he was smiling because of the way Isabelle was yelling at him.
“I am sorry I cannot leave you here all alone.” The head warrior said to Isabelle, she did not bother pushing the topic because she knew it was equally impossible for him to leave her to stay here all alone.
“Am I dreaming right now?” Robert Louis asked himself when he realized the girl he was admiring few minutes ago was also admiring him which was unknown to him.
“Oh my god Louis you are so stupid.” Robert Louis said to himself and hit his hand on his head.
“Are you okay?” Isabelle asked Robert Louis, he felt he was dreaming so he just nodded his head while he was smiling. Isabelle look e smiled back and touched his face.
The head warrior was getting even more furious when he saw that Isabelle was being too nice to a stranger that seems like an intruder.
“What is your name?” Isabelle asked Robert Louis, Robert did but stop smiling because he wanted to smile all through the dream unknowing to him that he was fully awake.
“Ohh i forgot…”
“Louis.” Isabelle was shocked when she heard him say his name. She opened her eye wider than usual and turned to look at the head warrior.
“I thought he was?” She asked herself in her mind while looking at his face. She looked at the head warrior again to be sure he did not hear anything from the young man that claimed to he dumb.
“Is everything okay?” The head warrior asked Isabelle when he noticed the way ste was staring at him. She blinked her eye immediately and stood up.
“Yes everything is fine.” She said to the head warrior, he tried to see Robert Louis face so he can know if she is trying to cover something for him because her character seemed really off, but he couldn’t find anything suspicious.
“I think we should leave now.” Isabelle said to the head warrior abs they both walked out of the prison at first the head warrior wanted to protest against leaving but when he noticed Isabelle was not smiling he followed her immediately.
Robert Louis slept off because he was a little to weak to stay awake, the hit from the head warrior was but a soft one, If he was not someone that trained himself he would have been killed by the two heavy punches that the head warrior gave him.
“How did he not feel the pain?” The head warrior asked himself when he noticed that Robert Louis did not act pained by the punched he threw at him.
The head warrior could remember vividly that those punches had killed a lot of people, even just one is enough to kill a person immediately.
“He even smiled.” The head warrior said to himself again still confused at the fact that Robert Louis was not in any way hurt by the punches he gave him.
The head warrior suddenly remembered Elias so he decided to go visit Elias and find out somethings about Robert Louis.
When Isabelle got to her room she couldn’t stop thinking about Robert Louis and she remembered the babe he told her.
“Louis, is that his name?” She asked herself again when she remembered she heard him whisper his name.
“Why did he pretend to be dumb?” She asked herself again because she can remember earlier when she was trying her best to make sure she see him again,
She called one of the warriors and asked about Robert Louis and the warrior told her that he was sent to the prison when she tried asking why the warrior immediately told her that Robert Louis is dumb and cannot defend himself.
She pitied him that’s why she went to the prison to see him abs know if he is doing okay, she was helped by her personal guards, though they were scared but they had to help her because she has been really nice to them.
When they finally got to the prison she sighted the head warrior assistant at the entrance when she saw him she knew the head warrior will be inside so she rushed in.
“He needs to tell my dad the truth.” Isabelle said to herself when she remembered that her dad can be brutal to those who deceive him, he is very dangerous when he feels betrayed.
“I need to tell him to tell dad the truth.” She said to herself again, then all of a sudden it struck her that If he tells her dad now it’ll but change the fact that he has already deceived her dad earlier by saying he is dumb.
“Dad will kill him.” Isabelle said to herself and fell on her bed, she was so scared at the fact that she might lose another person she loves. “No I will not let that happen.” Isabelle said to herself and stood up from her bed.
The head warrior was summoned fur when he was about to leave to visit Elias and know more about Robert Louis.
“Why did you go to the prison without my permission!” Harold yelled angrily and turned to look at the head warriors, the head warrior was shocked when he heard the tone that Harold used to talk to him it’s really unlike him to yell that way at him.
“All this is because of that bastard intruder.” The head warrior said to himself angrily and made a fist.
“I’m sorry, I only wanted to…”
“You only do what I want you to do, don’t ever take decisions for yourself here.” Harold interrupted angrily. The head warrior went in his knees to prove that he is sorry for what just happened and while he was on his knees he could stop thinking about how he will kill Robert Louis for continually making him receive insults.
“You can leave.” Harold said to the head warrior and immediately he stood up abs walked out if Harold's chamber.
Harold is very insecure about what he owns he is always scared that one day the head warrior might be the one to kill him and take everything away from him even his daughter.
One day he caught the head warrior staring at Isabelle and he realized the head warrior might have interest in his daughter, what got him more angry about the head warrior visit to the prison is the fact that he heard his daughter was there.
Harold started thinking his daughter and the head warrior might have something they are doing in the secret.
Harold walked
back to his seat when the head warrior walked out of his chamber, looking at how he no longer trusts the head warrior he has a feeling that it’s better he kill the head warrior and get himself someone he can trust that cannot be a threat to him.
And all of a sudden the only person that kept ringing in his head is the stranger that was presented to him earlier.
“I don’t even know him.” Harold said to himself.