When they were looking at the event preparation, suddenly there was one man who comes to them and asks them "Sorry if I'm interrupting you. Did three of you will participate in this upcoming event?" Hikari just smiled at that man and nods his head telling them that it was true. Then that man told them to follow him to the stage. They rejected it because they didn't think that they should disturb the people who were doing a preparation. But that man says to them "You do not need to worry, it was me who created this event. So, maybe it was okay if I take three of you to take a look at it."
"Ehh!?! For real?!"
The man just laughed when he saw their reaction. He says to them that he was not lying about it and let them enter the stage and talk with them. But before that, he introduced his name to them "I'm Suzuki Yuto, I was the leader of-" Neu told him to stop and tell him that they already know it. Nimura asks Suzuki " Hey, can you tell us about the reward that we will get and how long will it take?" The things haven't started yet, and they ask him that. The things are still not confirmed yet, so he just says to them that it maybe takes about 3 to 4 weeks, and he tells them "Also, about the rewards. The team who won this competition will be applied to join a very big event. But they will get some rest before that." Neu and Nimura understand it. But Hikari asks Suzuki "You mean by big event... You didn't mean that we need to do any job right?" Just when did Suzuki hear that. He just can't answer it and they can see it by that. But Suzuki says to them "Don't worry, you will get a chance to meet with a lot of people there and you will be happy!" Hikari just didn't get excited when he heard about a 'chance to meet with a lot of people there' The others saw Hikari reaction and asks him if there was something that matter.
But Hikari just tells them that it was nothing. However, he still gets disappointed when he heard Suzuki says that. He can tell that they are going to do a job there. It was not a reward at all. Hikari didn't really care about it since if it back to his past, it just a normal thing for him to handle. He just worried about Neu and Nimura because it was their first time. They continue talking about that and they didn't saw that Sabu-sama was looking at them. Sabu-sama didn't have any important things to tell them, so he just let them talk with Suzuki and leave the place. He just sent a message to them. Nimura's phone ringing when he got a message from Sabu-sama. He takes a look at it and tells them about it. He says to them "Hey, Sabu-sama just sent us a message. I think that both of you should read it." Hikari and Neu accepted it and take a look.
"I think that three of you should spend the time on yourself now. But make sure that nothing weird will happen."
They accepted it and continue talking with Suzuki about the competition and about who participated. Suzuki says to them that maybe there was a participant from the last year who will join this event which they're experienced. But he tells them that they do not need to worry about it. Because they still taking a part in this competition because they failed to win it last year. So, they still get a chance to participate again. But that was not everyone. It just 1 team. Suzuki also tells them that they can come to his place, and he will teach them a bit about it. They didn't care about it. So, they ask Suzuki when they can go meet with him. Suzuki tells them that it was on when they did are free maybe they should ask him. He says to them that he didn't know how to draw or anything. But he can teach them how to make a manga. Hikari didn't know about making it and Neu says the same things. So, they tell Suzuki that they will tell him when they want to meet with him.
Suzuki gives them his business card which has his email address on it and tells them to tell him when they want to meet with him. Then Suzuki let them take more details about the event stage and about what did they planned. They were taking a lot of time on it hearing everything that Suzuki wants them to know. Hikari asks Suzuki "Since our work is to create a manga, did we need to show it to the audience about our manga and tell them about the tale of the story?" Suzuki tells Hikari that it was of course because they need to tell the audience about the manga condition and to let the story be known. But Suzuki says to them that maybe still need to do it in a team. So, they must give teamwork with each other. Suzuki didn't think that they maybe should do any improvements since the three of them look like they are good with each other.
Suzuki says to them that's all for now and says to them "Just don't lose to yourself. You still didn't know what will happen next. So, don't worry." They say to Suzuki that he does not need to worry about it because they already get through the weird things before. When they say about 'weird things' He asks them about what kind of things it is. Hikari quickly responses to it "I think that maybe you do not need to know about it. Just say that three of us already get through a lot of trials in our life." Neu and Nimura didn't agree with Hikari to call it a trial. They say to Hikari "It was not a trial. Just why don't you tell him about what kind of things that we have faced?" Hikari disagrees with it, and it causes them reminded of the words that Akaru says to them. Maybe they didn't see any threat from that man, but it's still a secret. So, they just keep it a secret. Suzuki didn't say anything about it since it looks like it was their personal things.
Hikari says to Suzuki that he shouldn't misunderstand it because it just a little problem there. Suzuki understands it and he says to them "Well, seems like three of you have to get through a lot of things. You do not need to tell me about it. It's not like I want to know about it." Then three of them stopped making a rude there. Suzuki just laughed when he sees it because it looks like it was funny. They ask Suzuki if there was something that he wants them to know. But Suzuki says to them that was all for now. He says to them that they can get in touch with him whenever they want during the preparation, and he will find a place for them to meet with him.
Suzuki thanked them for everything just when did they hear that. There was nothing more for them to do, So they just leave the place and says to Suzuki "See ya!" When they go to Sabu-sama, Sabu-sama asks them "Hey, did any of you asks him to let us win?" They just can't believe that kind of question from Sabu-sama. They say to Sabu-sama "we want to have fun with a deal fight. Just what in your mind? Are you always like this?" Sabu-sama tells them that he never did something like that before. Then Sabu-sama bought three of them to the store that sells a lot of Otaku things. Sabu-sama says to them that maybe they would like to do some research with it. Neu and Nimura were so excited about it and quickly go and take around. Hikari didn't get into that kind of stuff so he just didn't know what kind of things that he should do. Sabu-sama asks Hikari if there was something that he wants to say. Hikari just tells him that it was nothing to worried about and goes to Neu and Nimura.
Neu and Nimura were looking for some manga that interests them. But Hikari just stays silent without saying anything. Then he saw the girl that he meets before in that store. Neu has something that he wants to ask Hikari about. But when he turned around, he saw that Hikari was looking at that girl. Neu just calls Hikari name and says "Hey, don't tell me that your Onii-chan harem is still not enough for you." Hikari shooked his head and says that it was no way. Hikari then asks Neu "Hey, is there was really a girl out there that has an interest in this kind of thing?" Neu nodded his head and told Hikari about what did he know "Well, you know. Maybe some of them liked this kind of thing. So, they just read it." Hikari agreed with it since he didn't know about a girl. Then he asks Neu about what kind of things that he looked for. Neu and Nimura were looking at the popular manga. He can see that Hikari was not a person who gets into that kind of thing. So he tries to talk with Hikari about that kind of thing.
Hikari didn't know about it. But he just tries to catch up with it. Just after a long time they were browsing around that store, Sabu-sama told them to return home.
Neu and Nimura were so shocked when Sabu-sama told them to return. They say to Sabu-sama that they still need time to make research about the art of manga. But Sabu-sama disagrees with it and says to them "Just how long did you want to stay here?! It has been about 3 hours that you're here!! Should I remind you again that we need to create a manga and not going to become a manga reader here!" Neu disagrees with what did Sabu-sama just said. He asks Sabu-sama "Just how we will learn about manga if we didn't read it?" Sabu-sama makes a face and asks Hikari back "Then, should I ask you how you knew about manga if you didn't read it?" Neu just gets stunned by those words, but Nimura backed him up by saying "But we do not have a lot of knowledge about manga, that's why we need to discover about it by reading it." Neu was so glad that Nimura backed him up then two of them start complaining about Sabu-sama. Hikari didn't really know about it, so he just watches them without spilling any words out.
"This was important for us!"
"Maybe that was true. But I do believe in the three of you that you can do this. So, let's go."
"No, you never know what we do, the people who have been used to draw things need to learn."
"But it's better if you try it than just looking at it."
"Well, maybe it was true. But there was a thing that we need to know about it in more detail, right Hikari?"
Hikari was so shocked when they suddenly call out his name. He didn't know what kind of things that they were talking about. He also didn't know about the manga. So, he says to them "Well, I prefer that we try it. Than keep looking at it. But we maybe should know about it first. So, what about we combine our thoughts?" The words from Hikari make Neu and Nimura disappointed. Because they thought that Hikari will support them. But it looks like it was not.